(September 30, 2134)
3rd Person's PoV
Its been weeks since I got admitted here.
I haven't met Lhea or Brent. How am I gonna do my plan if its like this.
Plus we have a new professor. He looks like he doesn't remember me at all.
Well, with all the changes I have in my face, who would know me.
I colored my hair black and make it curled up.
Never thought I'd met Oliver here. Is he also in the mission, targeting the Rovichkov Sibling.
Never mind, I don't care about anyways. Just gonna listen to this stupid lesson by Professor Crystellica Tyler.
I heard she's the one who found Oliver when he disappeared. And I guess she is also the one who let him inside here to do his mission towards the
Rovichkov Siblings.
This is gonna be troublesome.
''****i***, are you listening?''
''Yes, I am.''
''That's good to hear. So as I said...''
Gosh, this is so boring.
Oliver's PoV
Today is the last day of September.
It'll be October soon. The revelation is near. When will be that old be back?
I don't really care but I really want a tea time with the old geezer.
''So, today we will be continuing our lesson about H2H that ended up last Friday.''
We don't have classes during the weekends, but students are still stuck in this school.
Some file for leave during Thursdays to go back to their country to spend the weekend with the officials who sent them here.
The principal revealed that some students are sent here from different countries to assassinate the Minister and King of Aville, Mavishandor Mavish Travis
or Minister Mavish Travis.
He is the most hated ruler in the world.
The World Leaders organization decided to take him down from his position years ago. But the people of Aville didn't want a new ruler.
The ruler of Britain, Queen Adrena decided to make a deal.
She let her grandson, Prince Sebastian to marry Minister Mavish's Travis.
Mom Crystellica told me the reason why the Queen did it. It was to make Princess Pia the new ruler of Aville, throwing Minister Mavish out of his position.
''Today, we will be looking over the history of this lesson.''
It solves two problems.
First, Minister Mavish Travis will be dropped out of his position. With the possibility that Pia will also throw him out of his royalty and all of his powers
will be erased.
The second one will be the problem with the people of Aville, they will not disagree with the new ruler, Princess Pia, for she has proven herself
kind-hearted and sweet.
There was even a meme if Princess Pia is actually the child of Minister Travis when the Princess visited the Britain during the Olympics.
The difference between her personality and the King have a huge difference.
The World Leaders Organization admired her, to the point that they decided her to be a ruler once she turned 14.
Then, the accident happen 3 years ago.
Minister Mavish confirmed the death of the Princess, following the suicide of the Prince.
That year, The World Leaders Organization supported Afanas Valerian's school, this Robina Academy, and planned the Coup D'etat.
Well, after Princess Pia's admission here, the old geezer reported to the World Leaders Organization about her.
And here I am teaching the princess.
''Military history is a humanities discipline within the scope of general historical recording of armed conflict in the history of humanity,
and its impact on the societies, cultures and economies thereof, as well as the resulting changes to local and international relationships. Now can somebody
tell me what is the Humanities Discipline?''
Lhea raised her hands before Aaron could.
''Ms. Rovichkov?''
''The humanities include the academic disciplines of philosophy, religion, languages and literatures, linguistics, history, and the arts.
The arts include the visual arts, drama, and music.''
''That is correct.''
I wrote the academic disciplines in the whiteboard.
''languages...litera...tures...'' I said under my breath.
Then I remembered what happened last Saturday midnight.
(September 25,2134 02:34 am) *WARNING: SOME READERS MIGHT FIND THIS LEWD*
I woke up to a small bang in my window, which is just located in the left side of my bed.
I pretended to be asleep when I saw a silhouette in my vision.
It's so dark, I can't see the figure.
Then the figure suddenly jumped in my bed, crawling like a snake.
''Medusa?'' I asked without thinking.
''You have a fetish like that, Oliver?'' The silhouette said.
"Wait... what?
I turned my bed lamp on.
''What a freaking pizza! Lhea! ''
Lhea! Why is she here? It is past two in the midnight.
''Your birthday ended two hours ago, but I hope we can still celebrate it tonight.''
''Lhea! How did you get here? And its already September 25, its not my birthday anymore. How did you even past the roaming guards?''
She just showed me this puppy face in her face.
I just hugged her.
''Thank you!'' I said.
''Your welcome. Oh! I brought a cake. I baked this myself yesterday morning and designed this last night. I was hoping I can join the party they prepared but
I forgot to make the box. Sorry its 3 hours late.''
Awwww! I'm gonna melt.
Because of what she did for me, I fell for her more.
She got the cake and lit it. ''Happy Birthday! Panther Cub!''
I wished and blew the candle.
''What did you wish?''
I just smirked.
'I wished we would never be broken by those idiot beliefs and legends. I am happy to meet you in the rose garden in my 15th birthday.' I said in my mind.
She just pouted.
''Okay. Wishes are supposed to be secret.''
She then sat in front of me in while I am sitting in the middle of my bed.
The cake on my side table.
I hugged her from behind, clearing the hairs out her neck and kissed it.
''I can feel your goosebumps.'' I whispered in her ears.
The wind blew softly, making my curtains to dance smoothly in both sides of my bed.
''It tickles, idiot.''
I kept breathing in her neck.
I felt her legs move.
''Why? Is it cold?''
''No. Its just that every time you breath, I felt a heat in my abdomen. Its weird. I always feel like this whenever you kiss me.''
Oh sh*t. Is it what am I thinking?
Is this going to happen this moment?
I respect her very much. I always want to be her first. But I want to do it after our wedding. But sometimes, I want it before our wedding.
I wanna mark her.
''Is it what am I thinking, Oliver?'' she asks me suddenly.
''What are you thinking?'' I asked back.
''The deed, Oliver. The thing where we became one.''
Oh, yes, it is happening.
My heart is beating 10...no...20 times much faster than normal.
I laid her down on my bed and kissed her luscious lips.
She puts her hand around me. I kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose.
I can clearly hear her soft breaths.
I like how she smell.
I kiss her neck, leaving a mark on it.
I kissed every centimeter of her body, leaving marks on the way.
As I successfully removed all her clothes, I looked at her.
Her legs bend, her covering her breast. Her hair scattered in my bed.
I removed my clothing, leaving me in my boxers.
I kiss her lips.
''I--I am still a virgin, Ol-Oliver.'' She said.
Her breast keeps going up and down, touching my chest part.
Its making my c*c* hard.
Its so hard now. But I gotta make this her precious memory.
I can feel my thing to squeeze some liquid out.
My body twitches.
''Lhea...even if I just saw your naked body, your making me c**.''
''I am very sorry.''
''Its fine. You're just so beautiful.''
Then I had a small adventure in her body before I entered.
She's so tight.
My body is shaking as I waited for her to adjust.
As moments passed, I slowly moved inside her.
Gosh, this is amazing. I never felt like this before.
Even with all the woman I had sex with, Lhea feels like we've been doing this forever.
She is born a pro in this.
And so we both enjoyed the night, making the best out of it.
I woke up around 9 am.
With the woman I loved the most beside me.
Her naked body pressed against mine.
This is paradise.
I went in for a morning kiss.
My heart...it skipped a beat..
She slowly opened her eyes.
''You...feeling okay?''
''Mmmmmhhhh...It hurts a little...but its fine.''
She then sat. I put my head in her lap.
She combed my hair.
''Thank you, Oliver. For the wonderful experience. I wanna do it with you, so marry me in the future.''
''Of course. I don't want somebody to taste you after all.''
We spent all day in my dorm.
Present time----
I blushed as I remember everything.
That was the happiest, best and late birthday gift she gave me.
That was supposed to be her wedding gift to me but she gave it much earlier. And I am fine with it.
Now I truly understand.
When a woman loves you that much, she is willing to offer or give her first time with you.
And when a man really loves you, he never asks for it.
And he'll respect your decision, if you want to wait for marriage. Even when he needed it, he will control himself so you won't make a decision that'll make you uncomfortable with.
A man who truly loves you won't find another body when you won't give it to him because you are scared. He'll wait patiently until your wedding or when you are ready.
''Battle-space is a term used to signify a unified military strategy to integrate and combine armed forces for the military theatre of operations, including air, information, land, sea, cyber and space to achieve military goals. It includes the environment, factors, and conditions that must be understood to successfully apply combat power, protect the force, or complete the mission. This includes enemy and friendly armed forces, infrastructure, weather, terrain, and the electromagnetic spectrum within the operational areas and areas of interest. Aville has the 2nd most advanced battle-spaced. Britain is the most advanced one. Which is one of the reason why Minister Mavish Travis was willing to let Princess Pia marry the late Prince Sebastian of Great Britain.''
I met Lhea's gaze. She is glowing these days.
Doesn't that mean...she's..
My eyes widened.
''Ummm...is there something wrong sir?'' Yuriy asked.
I'll just talk to her later about this.
I turned back to the whiteboard.
''Shit.. I didn't think about it.'' I murmured under my breath.
Its not that I don't want to be a father.
If Lhea's the mother, why would I disagree?
I'm worried about Lhea. What if she is not ready yet? She had a mission to complete yet. I have to help her find out the truth about her mother's death.
I just can't destroy the dream of hers because I was horny that time.
But something deep inside me wants Lhea to be pregnant by our first baby.
Yeah, I am planning to have 4 kids with Lhea.
I don't care about the gender as long as it is 4.
''Now we move to the---''
The bell rang.
''Oooopppsss. Seems like this is for the 3rd lesson today.'' I bid goodbye.
I waited for Lhea outside the room.
They will be going to the Laboratory for Mom's lesson.
''Lhea...can we talk?''
We talk in the teacher's locker room. It is currently just the two of us.
''Lhea...are you feelin okay this past few days?''
''Ummm...yeah, I feel good.''
''No, nausea or morning sickness?''
''Why would you ask? Its not like I am pregnant or anything?''
''That's why I asked. I didn't use protection that night and so are you. I am scared that I might destroy your plans if I did impregnate you. And lately, you've been glowing.''
She chuckled. She put my head in her shoulders.
''No, I am not. I froze my eggs before I entered Robina.''
''What?'' I raised my head and looked her in the eyes.
She just smirked.
''Us, ladies, we froze our eggs before we entered. The principal puts it as a requirement because sex is cannot be easily avoided in this era.
And even if I really got pregnant, the child won't stand in the way.''
She said.
''You would abort it?'' I asked.
''If we both agree, yes. If we both disagree, then no.''
''What if we both have different answers?'' I asked.
''I don't know.''
We remained silent for a while.
''Maybe if you agree of abortion and I'm not, I am willing to abort the child because you aren't prepared for it. We can always make small version of ourselves anytime. I wouldn't run away with the child, I don't want such an innocent kid grow without a father but it's worse than killing it. Aborting the child would make it suffer a little, than be trapped in a world where she or he lacks one parent. I wouldn't let my child be like me.''
''Then what if you agree with the abortion and I am not?'' I asked again.
''Then I'll be keeping the child.''
''Why? You'll be the one carrying the baby.''
''Yeah, I know. I'm the one with the womb not you. I'll spent the nine months preparing myself for the baby.''
I love her so much. The way she adjust herself for my sake is so sweet.
I don't wanna lose this wonderful woman.
''But 16 years of age will be 10 times early to have a small version. Can we wait for the right time?''
''Of course.''
I am happy to have this talk.
''Bye.'' She bid goodbye as she entered the laboratory.
''What were you two talking?'' Its Mom Crystellica.
''About our relationship. I am sorry for borrowing her.''
''Its fine, but don't do this in other's class, Professor Oliver. Let's be professionals.''
She then followed.
Yeah, Yeah.
3rd Person's PoV
As I was going to the bathroom, I saw Oliver with a woman.
That should be...Lhea!
Ha! After weeks of looking for you, here you are with your lover.
I followed them in the Teacher's locker room.
This should be an interesting conversation.
As I listened to their conversation, I felt anger rise up to me.
So they have done the deed.
(September 30, 2134 11:01 am)
''****i*** reporting.''
''This is the same butler. Let me hear your report.''
I told him all I heard.
After minutes of talking over the phone, he finally ended the call.
''Ah! What is this feeling? Why am I mad towards you? Huh? Lhea Rovichkov?''
I closed my eyes as I remember what happened at June 4, 2134.
I'll always remember that.
If I have known your from a wealthy family Oliver, I would never have taken the pregnancy control pills.
I always thought your just a fuckboy in the city.
Now, I am regretting it.