Five Second-Rush

Lhea's PoV

Eight days ago---(September 24, 2134=Gio's Birthday)

''Lhea...'' Its Anne.

''...what are you doing? Your still on that cake?'' she asks.

''Yes. This is the second time he had me in his birthday. Just wanna make it special for him. So, what happened to your pair study with Aaron.''

''Don't wanna talk about it.''

''Why?'' I asked as I put the blue icing.

''Its just a simple study, nothing interesting.''

She jump in the sofa and turned the TV on.

''As we speak, tonight is the birthday of The Lost Heir of The Reevish Family Blood. The family is having a simple dinner with all the members of the clan.

Gio Reevish, the 20 year old heir, haven't found his bride. All woman in his age are not giving up to catch the paramour's heart...''

And so the news continued reporting about Gio's birthday.

''Aren't you mad that this thing exist. They're shipping women with your man. Some shipped some gay actors to him.''

''Why would I? I owned him. They can dream when they want, but they won't reach the stars.'' I continued designing the cake.

''Geez, woman in love is much scary than an alligator.''

''You'll experienced it too, Anne.''

''Nope. I won't.'' She turned it off and jump in her bed.

After a couple of moments, Pia arrived.

''So, how did it go?'' Anne asked. I was about to finish my cake when I remembered that I destroyed the box.

''It went---''


The two rushed towards me.

''Why? What happened?''

''Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?''

''I forgot that I destroyed the box.''

The two sighed.

''It's just a simple problem, Lhea.''

''Yeah, so stop overreacting.''

''Continue the cake, we'll make the box.''

As I finished with the cake, I helped the two make the box.

*01:15 am, September 25, 2134

''Thank you, girls. I don't know if I can still make it, but thank you so much.''

''Stop thanking us and run to your lover, we will go straight to bed.''

I left the dorm.

''Wish it's not too late.''

As I got in the woods, the sound of the owl scared me.


Gosh that thing really scared me.

I looked at my watch.

''01:34 am''

Its very late now.

''I really heard a rustle around this area.''

I quickly hide as I heard the guards.

''Your just hallucinating, idiot.''

''But really heard it.''

''It's just a raccoon.''

I waited for a couple of minutes before I got out of the bushes.

01:38 am

I got inside of the Teacher's dormitory.

'' where is that bastard's dorm.''

It should be the old dorm of our last professor.

Dorm...number 2C.

That's on the second floor.

How can I climb...Professor Khan taught us this back in the Senior Military School.

I searched for a ladder. Ladder is always placed in the back of 2 or 3 more storey building. I found one. If I haven't, I'll do the thing Professor taught us.

And it will destroy the cake completely.

I successfully climb and relaxed for a minute in the balcony, but its not Gio's room. Its Professor Gio's room.

So I count the window from Sir Dexter's room. There are two windows in every teacher's dorm and a door on the right side. As I peek in his window, he is still awake. His reading a book? I don't know its dark and only a lamp lighted his huge room.

I crawl so Professor Dexter couldn't saw my shadow.

First, I did the High-crawl. It is a move where I keep my torso off the ground and rest my weight on my forearms and knees.

As I past Sir Gio's room, then the second problem arrived.

I don't know who owns this room but the lights are on.

I have to do a low-crawl. It is one of the basic things I learned from Senior Military School.

The low crawl gives you the lowest silhouette. Use it to cross places where the concealment is very low and enemy fire or observation prevents you from getting up. It keeps your body flat against the ground.

The high crawl lets you move faster than the low crawl and still gives you a low silhouette.

The two movements are part of our training.

Thank god I learned this. At first, I thought it was just a basic thing to learn.

I past the second room and finally, its Gio's.

Its so dark.

I heard the door from the second room creaked, I got scared that a teacher will see me here.

So I opened Gio's window and jumped in.

That was the 3-5 second rush.

The 3-5 second rush—as the name implies—offers you the fastest movement with the least protection. You will be exposed. Use the rush when you have no cover or concealment, and breaks in enemy fire allow you to expose yourself briefly.

But this time I used it to avoid being seen. I crawled and stand in front of Gio's bed.

''Medusa?'' He asked.

''You have a fetished like that, Gio?'' I said. Bet he's just seeing my silhouette.

''Wait. What?"'

He turned his bed lamp on.

''What the freaking pizza! Lhea!''

''Your birthday ended two hours ago, but I hope we can still celebrate it tonight.''

I said with a smile. Sweats are dripping in my back.

I spend the night with Gio.

My wedding gift, I gave it to him in advance.

I didn't get pregnant after that.

All of us girls have to freeze our eggs to be able to join here at Robina.

After we've done the deed, we woke up in each other's arm.

I didn't regret it though.

Present Time----(October 2, 2134)

''That's how we spend his birthday.'' They let me explain what we did.

They are my bestfriends why would I lie to them.

''Okay. We understand.''

And I did it because I wanna mark Gio.

I got jealous from the news report that day.

''Okay, Class 1-A, long time no see.'' Professor Crystellica entered.

''Good day, Ms. Crystellica.''

All of us greeted.

''Today we will be discussing about first aid.''

She grabbed her pen and wrote the two words in the whiteboard.

''Battlefield First Aid, a simple, systematic approach for each of you.''

Now, this is interesting.

Anne excels at science, especially medical and the human body.

Maybe she'll torture someone in the future.

''First aid training for the trained soldier has been modified to incorporate the best available current clinical evidence and clinical experience. This annual training requirement will be achieved in one day and is introduced as Individual Training Directive in Army, or ITD(A) on 1 April 1999. With the exception of a short introductory video, the course is entirely taught and assessed on practical models...'' she showed us the video.

Wow...that was long time ago.

With the world in its most advance technology, I can't believe this kind of technology is still alive.

''This video is kept at the World History Museum...'' Professor Crystellica continued until the bell rang.

Its finally lunch!!!

As usual, the three of us is sitting in our favorite spot.

The spot next to a window where the bell is facing towards us.

''In the field of military theory, the operational level of war also called operational art, as derived from Russian: оперативное искусство, or operational warfare) represents the level of command that connects the details of tactics with the goals of strategy.''

Aaron suddenly sat with us.

''Aaron!'' Anne exclaimed.

''That's an overreaction, Anne.'' Aaron said.

''Why are you here? We have agreed to never come close with each other unless its about this shit.''

''Why? I cannot just ignore the fact that---''

Anne didn't let Aaron finished and covered his mouth.

''Sorry, we have to talk girls. Just go to the next class, we will have our lunch together.''

We couldn't even say a word and they just left.

''Wha-What's the issue between that two?'' I asked the wind.

''I don't know...Let's just ask her when we get back in our dorm.''

''That's a better idea than eavesdropping on them.''

We just continued to eat.

The bell rang. When we got inside the room, Anne and Aaron were already there.

What's with these two?

They're acting very very weird.

Principal Afanas Valerian's PoV

''The operational level of war is concerned with four essential elements: time, space, means, and purpose. Through means such as directing troops and allocating the limited resources among others, operational art aims to achieve political goals by producing an optimal or at least near-optimal generation and application of military power...'' I am currently in front of all the world leaders.

I am discussing to them the plan to throw Minister Mavish Travis or King Mavishandor Mavish Travis out of his position in the near future.

''...For example, proposals may be generated for where to build defensive structures, how many, what kind, and manned by how many troops; a proposal may be accepted by the relevant leadership or reworked in accordance with their feedback...''

They planned to start the mission once the Princess Pia turn 18. And it'll be next year.

She'll be 17 this December 28. She can attend to meetings like this, in which all of these bastards approved.

I wouldn't trust the alleged dead Princess to carry out the mission.

She is still young. She doesn't know how things revolved along with the world.

''...During the 20th century, the nascent field of operations research flourished as a result of military efforts to improve logistics and decision making. The operational level of war sits in the middle between the lowest level of tactics, which consists of organizing and employing fighting forces on or near the battlefield, and the highest level of strategy, which involves aspects of long term and high level theater operations and the government's leadership. The Soviet Union was the first country to officially distinguish this third level of military thinking, when it was introduced as part of the deep operation military theory that its armed forces developed during the 1920s and 1930s and utilized during the Second World War.''

I paused.

The leaders just stared at me.

''Is it done?'' Duke Vennislown of United Kingdom of Greenland said.

''Nope, it is still ongoing, but I'd rather here your opinion now than later so I can adjust the plan.''

The world leaders whispered to each other.

''The operation is great but the princess is still not 18. We cannot just do this without her. The Aville people will surely start a war without Alceo's word.''

President Markus Rejos of Philippines said.

''You're right. We cannot just start a war with the people of that country. They will start a biological war against the world. We cannot afford the lost that it will cause.'' Minister Joanna Vendish of Germany agreed with President Rejos.

''You continue this, I'll go back to my country. I still have a problem with the endemic that is spreading in Chitkul.''

President Aapt Wariam of India bid goodbye.

Chitkul, India. One of the remote places in India. A dangerous bacteria showed up in the area.

Its been popular lately, but the bacteria is contained in that area. President Wariam put the village in a lockdown as long as the victims raised up to 4.

He responded real quick. The victims now are 86 persons in different ages.

''So as I we were discussing...''

The discussion between the world leaders took about 10 minutes before I could continue my operation.

I, the spy that was sent in Aville decades ago.

Before Mavish can be the minister, I spied on Aville way too long now that they chose me to do the operation and led the young soldiers to their deaths.

I have thousands of soldiers who died in my hands. All of their bodies are my stepping stone now.

Europe sent me here when I was 22.

I was supposed to be a scholar who got transferred here.

When I started my mission, I studied at Aville University where me and Mavish meet.

Yeah, this is a cheesy story.

We used to be best of friends, but when I found out that he is the King's son, I turned my back against him.

His father caused the death of the million lives that happened 3 years ago in Switzerland, my motherland.

I assassinated his father, King Vernoso Glovovskylisky Travis. But until now, he hasn't found out about it yet.

He made me the highest personnel in the Aville Military 6 years ago.

He still trust me until now.

Apparently, I am the one who has bravely showed him Fake Kindness and he thought it was a pure intent.

I have stabbed his back a hundred times.

I am the one who got his mom impregnated, made him scared that someone will take his position so he have a doctor to abort the child while his mother is sleeping.

Because of the abortion, his mother stopped trusting him and killed herself weeks later.

He got all the power in himself.

He married the most famous actress in Aville.

They had two child together. Prince Makurtza Travis and Princess Alersia Travis in which died because I simply poisoned them when they turned 13.

His partner, the late Queen Hermeling Tolensiul-Travis, couldn't bare the death of her children and died due to severe depression.

He was 38 when all of that happened.

Because he couldn't give up the throne to someone, he handled everything but it cost him his mind, leading to severe brain problems.

17 years ago, when he turned 50, I let him meet Afal Deiwmetie, a beautiful model.

She got impregnated and have Princess Pia.

Due to the unwillingness to be the next Queen of Aville, she take dozens of drugs, killed people.

She was imprisoned for 50 years, but changed into Death Penalty a year later after she got imprisoned. Princess Pia was a year old that time when her mother was sentenced to death..

And because of the great trauma Mavish had during his first children, he treated Pia unfairly.

He once said to me, ''Maybe if I treat her unlikely like my first kids, she wouldn't die like them.''

But I don't have any plans to kill the Princess.

I was deeply touched on how she helped an old man who had a severe attack during the Olympics in Great Britain.

It was something I didn't see in the first two kids when I hired a veteran actor to act like having a heart attack.

The two kids just got away from the scene as soon as the actor needed help.

But Pia did the other way. She did the CPR to him and even did a mouth-mouth to resuscitation with him even its not needed because its a heart attack.

She lately said in an interview that she did it because he was sipping a drink before the accident happened. And so she secondly thought he got drowned by the drink, in which happens rarely.

''So we will be ending this operation meeting today.''

Minister Liam Flovich of Switzerland officially ended the meeting.

I got out of the room and smoke my cigar.

''How did the meeting go?'' My assistant asks.

''I did pretty well.''

Now, let me have a great vacation on my motherland.

It'll just a 5-second ride to get there.