Valerian's Secretary's PoV
''How did the meeting go?'' I asked my boss as he got out of the meeting room and lit his cigar.
''I did pretty well.'' He answered.
''I thought they will reject the new plan.'' I said.
''They wouldn't. Now that Princess Pia is part of this plan, they will never disagree.''
''Mr. Afanas Valerian, the president of the United Kingdom of America wants to have a tea time with you this afternoon.'' a man in his 40's approached us.
''Tell the Mr. President I have plans today. I have to disguised as Marshal Alyosha Vasily, together with my assistant, Fiona Deiwmetei or known as Commander with Star Fiona Mavslovskie of the Knight Regime.''
''I'll tell the president right away.''
''Is it really worth it to say my fake name to the World Leaders?''
''Your my illegitimate daughter, I raised you when your mother was sent to a mission.''
''How unlikely. Your love story is so heartbreaking. How I wish I can tell my baby HALF-SISTER about this wonderful story.'' I said with a harsh voice.
''That's sweet about you, thinking about your little...'' he let out the smoke ''...sister.''
''Ah, thank you for the compliment, father.''
''Stop calling me that, its cringe.'' He throw his cigarette in a bin as soon as we got out of the building.
''Ready the chopper for us. We're heading towards the Calchimera Republic, we want our own pilot.'' I said to one of the building personnel.
Moments later, our chopper arrived.
It only took us 15 minutes to arrive at Calchimera.
''Marshal!'' The king greeted us.
He was waiting for us this whole time?
Why? They must have known!
I started being sensitive to the surroundings.
''King! Why do you have to come and greet us? Your wasting your time greeting us commoners.'' my stupid father said.
The King and all of the personnel in this kingdom are clueless to what are we doing lately.
Someone must have figure it out.
''Commander Fiona Mavslovskie! Its been so long since I met you! You were so young 3 years ago and now here you are, a Commander in The Knight Regime.''
my trainer back in the days.
''Commandatore Lee Riverache. If it wasn't for you, I would still be a kid in these world.''
''Don't praise me that much.''
He put his hand around my waist.
WOMANIZER! A freaking Pedophile!
''Ahhhh! You're still the man I know decades ago, Riverache!'' Marshal suddenly jumped over him. Making him loose his grip on my waist.
''You're still the man I knew. Your taste in woman hasn't change at all.''
Marshal and the King laughed.
What a great actor you are, Papa.
''You ruined it, Marshal.'' Commandatore said with anger in his face.
''Let's go old men.''
''Tsk. We want to have our time. We don't know when we will die.'' Marshal said making me surprised but I didn't turned around so I can hide my expression.
''What is it, Commander?'' the King asked.
Shit. What am I gonna say?
''Just wondering who will be the your successor once you'll become weak...''
The men got silent.
The personnel with us just swallowed his saliva.
''How I wished I'll be next to the throne. King can you adopt me?'' I jokingly said, turned around and smirked on the three men.
''Y-Yes, maybe I can.'' He stutterly said.
''You'll just forget it in the next five minutes.'' I said under my breath.
''What?'' Commandatore asked.
''Nothing. Just wondering where the princess could be...the heaven or hell.'' I look up in the sky.
Good luck with your revenge, Pia. My little sister.
And I am very sorry if I tried to kill you 3 years ago. the scar from the porcelain kettle you hit in my head is as clear as a lizard in the wall.
Lhea's mom's Murderer PoV
''How is she doing?'' a doctor asks my nurse as she got out of room.
''She's doing fine.''
''When will that lady die? She's been here forever.''
The doctor looked at me from my window.
''When are you going to pay all the things you've done to that woman's girl? How I wish they will change their mind and sign for that death papers for you.''
''I'll stay alive until your grandchildren grow white hairs. I am immortal! I'll die when I kill that woman's children. I have killed one of them. I need the
other two! HAHAHAHAHAHA.''
I didn't stop laughing until I fell asleep from the sedatives.
I'll come back for your children, Veronica.
Lhea's PoV (October 02, 2134)
''Terrorist acts occur every day around the world. Healthcare professionals are often present as bystander survivors in these situations, with none of the equipment or infrastructure they rely on in their day-to-day practice. Just like us, we are the terrorist if we put our target as the minister of Calchimera, Alch Tarnille or King Alchandor Alceo Tarnille of The Calchimera Republic. We will be terrorizing but we will never target a single civilian of that country. Pass all the article of the observation the World Organization collected each year.''
As I got my article, I read the paper and outlined the countries that was written.
''The Global Terrorism Index or GTI is a report published annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace or IEP, and was developed by IT entrepreneur and IEP's founder Steven Killulea...''
Before Ms. Tyler continued, Aaron raised his hand.
''Who is this Steven...Killulea? I haven't heard of him in the science books I have read in my life.''
''Maybe you haven't read ALL the science book this world consist?''
''I have. My parents bought all of them for me!''
''Don't be a kid, Aaron. You haven't read the all ones, I bet?''
''I-i haven't.''
''That is the reason you haven't heard of this man at all. If I lived in his time, I'll do anything to be his wife.''
''Now, who is this Steven Killulea?''
''Then let me tell you this story of this wonderful man...''
We all got excited as Professor Tyler's face turned red.
''Steven Killulea AM is an Australian IT entrepreneur and founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace, a global think tank. What a marvelous man.''
We all laughed. She then continued.
''...In 2007, Killulea was the producer and chief financier for the documentary Peace Soldiers, which was shown at the 2008 Cannesse Film Festival, where it receive Budapest Club Award. The documentary also won Best Feature Film at the Mocona International Film Festival...''
Out of nowhere, I suddenly felt a dangerous threat. Out of instinct, I got up and got really cautious in my surroundings, having the same position as I protect Pia and Anne when Gio was following us. But the threat is 200 times much danger than Gio made me feel.
I can feel my teeth burying in my lips. Sweats are dripping all over my body.
''Lh-Lhea?'' I heard Ms. Tyler's stuttering words.
''Go-Go get Gio!'' I heard she shouted.
I look up to the window. Having my protection stance cover the whole window.
My hairs are standing. Cold breeze washed over my face.
''Lhea, what's wrong?'' Pia asked in my back.
''Threat...a dangerous threat...'' I said.
I couldn't talk straight. I'm scared as hell.
The feeling is a bit nostalgic for me.
''Where have I felt this?''
''Felt what, Lhea? Are you feeling alright?'' Professor Tyler asked.
''The threat...I have felt this before...but...when?''
''I have called Professor Freshcker. His coming here but they got a problem in the class 3-A. Professor Gio was teaching the Class 3-A when senior student, Brent Rovichkov, acted weird minutes ago. He acted just like Lhea.'' My classmate, Giovanni said.
''What's wrong with my cat?'' Gio suddenly said.
''We don't. She just won't get away from the window. The threat radar haven't alarm yet but she acted like this. It looks like she is protecting us from something.''
Anne said.
Moments later, I felt the threat to vanished. I have used all my energy from this, I wanna sleep.
I didn't care of what I was currently doing and just fell asleep watching the window.
Where is this threat coming from?
Who created such threat? It's so strong.
Its like coming from a big, wild, dog...
''Lhea!'' The only thing I heard before losing my consciousness.
A bright came towards me with a figure of a woman.
'' your own person...never trust this people....Never leave your brother's arm.....never okay..''
I just nodded. then I felt a threat coming from, behind her.
''Listen, Lhea...The Freshcker are not your enemy...Don't believe in such lies...Find the panther cub and take good care of him...The two of you will stop this madness coming from the people I trusted my understand.''
After nodding, she put me in more likely a cabinet.
People stopped as they reach her. ''You traitors of the compact! You just want the treasure from the Legend's book.''
The group of humans attacked her, Pinning her to the ground. her... sh.....?
A strong voice called out my name.
''Pia? I haven't heard you shout for a while. Why?''
''You've been asleep for 2 days. i thought you weren't planning to wake at all.''
''That's too long...'' I stopped as I remember somebody.
''How's Brent?''
''He woke half an hour ago.''
''That's great.''
''What happened? We couldn't ask Brent, his mind is still shattered after the incident.''
''Did he gain brain pro---'' I couldn't finish what I was saying when Brent suddenly opened the room.
His eyes so wide with sweat dripping from his forehead.
''What?'' I asked him.
''I thought---I thought I lost you too...'' He said as tears flow from his eyes.
He fall into his knees. Pia run towards him.
He sat beside me in my bed, I put my head on his lap.
''I thought I lost you too. I couldn't protect mom and Arthure from their murderers, I want to protect you from everything dangerous even if its just a bug. Did you felt it too?''
''Yeah, it was so powerful. I have encountered that thing but I couldn't remember when or where.''
''Me too. the threat give off some nostalgic feeling.''
Pia left us alone in the room.
''Its been a while since we have a sibling talk.''
''Yeah. Can we stay like this for a moment?'' I asked of him.
''Of course!'' He happily agreed.
Where did that feeling came from?
I know it but I couldn't remember.
Fuck this shit.
A knock in the door broke our conversation.
''Lhea?'' Gio peeked through the door.
''Can we have a moment with my dragon, please?'' He beg my brother.
''Yes, but I'll be just outside. You can't do anything about it and you cannot do anything funny.''
Brent got out.
As soon as it's just the two of us, Gio hugged me.
''What happened? I couldn't understand at all.''
''I don't even know either.''
Gio never left my side that day.
I got back to class after a few days and questions came flooding.
Aaron asked the most ridiculous question I heard.
I'll share it to you when the time comes.
The question is a bit personal, so none for readers.
''Glad your fine, Lhea but never act like that again. Your hands were shivering, its like your really scared.''
''I'm sorry for the trouble I have caused you guys.''
''Thank you for protecting us, Lhea.''
''You even wasted your energy for us who can't feel the threat without the radar.'' Mhessy said.
''That was just my instinct. i am very sorry if I scared you.''
''That's fine by me, though. Getting scared is a pleasure to me.'' Yuriy, my masochist classmate said.
That day happened like a normal day.
We didn't think that threat will come again at us in a greater aspect.
The owner of that threat is someone Brent and I have met but forgotten.
The threat is coming back.
So soon that we didn't have the time to prepare.