Caspian's PoV
October 05,2134. Tuesday. A normal day with Professor Gio.
''Okay, Class 1-B, today you will be learning on how to drive my favorite vehicle, the battle tank.''
We remained silent.
As always, he looked me in the eye.
Gosh, his look is making me very anxious.
What the heck? Why am I feeling like this?
I put my left hand in my stomach. I didn't eat anything bad during lunch.
But I'm feeling something in my stomach.
''Are you feeling okay, Mr. Hutton?''
The man who's making me feel this way asked.
I didn't answer.
''Don't be naive, Caspian. Answer me when it comes to health.'' he said.
I was confuse between what health? My health or the health subject?
He messed with his hair as he walk towards me.
''I like it when you are naive but not with these things.'' he whispered in my ear.
''Just say Red Vanilla and I'll know what you meant.''
''Professor Dexter!.'' my bestfriend, Damien shouted from his seat.