Chapter 10: She abandon me?


Dylan has searched his house, and Janice is nowhere to be seen. There is only room left for him to check. He turns the doorknob and kicks it open. JANICE? This is the guest room where she stayed for the first time since Dylan had arranged a room for her, so she shifts into that room.

"Where can she go?" he murmurs, checking the last room for his satisfaction. "She can't abandon me… Can she?" Dylan heads downstairs and sees Lixin coming inside. Hey! he shouts, and Lixin jumbles. He drops the envelope and looks around to confirm he hasn't entered the wrong house. "Have you seen Janice?" he asks in a rush.

"Oh! You have scared me to death," says Lixin. He bends and picks up the envelope from the floor. "No, I haven't! She might be in her room. Go check it out… why are you asking me anyway?" says Lixin.

"Her room you are suggesting?" asks Dylan. "I've searched my whole house. Twice for your concern."

"What about her phone?" asks Lixin. He actually questions the tracer which he plants. Dylan searches his pockets and shows him a 6 inches black metallic body. He takes it from his hand.

"She finds out?" asks Dylan looking expectedly at Lixin.

"I don't think so," says Lixin flipping the mobile in his hand though he isn't sure of himself. "But it will not come to me as a shock if she does." Dylan raises his eyebrow in question. "I mean she knows our practice room." He shrugs. Dylan glares and snatches the mobile. "Why are you getting mad on me? Besides you should focus on… Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't!" Dylan has raised his hand and is now ready to throw the mobile on the floor. The mobile is dead and is of no use for him. His anger has touched its peak.


Dylan's arm remains in the air, and they both wheel around. Janice stands in the doorway holding a big black bag in her both hands. She has her hands-free plugged, and the song is booming in her both ears; her body is also swaying with the beat.

She hasn't noticed them and walks towards the table, carefully placing the bag. She takes off her coat, revealing her white body fitted jeans and small shirt through which her belly button peeks. She removes her goggles and tucks them in front of her shirt. Dylan gulps.

She throws her sandals aside, making a disgusted look. "Ah! What a troublesome they are!" exclaims Janice rubbing her heels. "They give me a hard time. I wish someone to be there so he can hold me in his arms." She gestures the behaviour herself and turns around.

Janice immediately removes hands-free and tucks it in her back pocket. She looks at his arm, and he follows her gaze. Shit!

"My phone!" exclaims Janice. "Are you mad? What do you think you're doing?" asks Janice snatching the mobile from his hand. Lixin places his palm on his forehead.

"Where were you?" asks Dylan. He changes the topic, and a smile spreads across her face again.

"Oh! I went to a nearby market. At first, I decided to go with you." Dylan's face enlightened on the thought that she considered him. "But you were in a deep sleep so I went on myself and you know it was quite fun." She looks happy about what she buys. "You know I break that vase, so I thought it will be better to repay in this way."

"Quite thoughtful of you!" says Dylan. He doesn't like the idea of her shopping alone. "Mind if I see?"

Yes! Janice says sharply, slapping his hand and picking up the bag. "This isn't for you!" Lixin begins to laugh, and Dylan glares. He places his hand on his mouth.

"You were late today. I will deal with you," says Dylan to Lixin. He gives him what I have done? It is you who is meddling type of look. He bites the back of his hand.

"Let me put my phone on charge and then we will go to CK," proposes Janice taking the bag with her because she doubts he will peek.

"Err… Janice?" says Dylan, and she stops. "Do you have an extra phone with you?" He throws a glance at her back pocket. She reads him thoroughly: feet apart, hands on his sides, facial muscles tight, eyebrows frowned, and eyes dilate; certainly, he is curious.

Confusing him a little more will not hurt, she considers. Since he questions too much, why not let him find his answers. She smiles to herself. Yes! says Janice. She sticks her tongue out, winks and gives him a sign of victory, then leaves him in confusion.

A few minutes later, she climbs the stairs and sits on the sofa to put on her shoes. "My shoes? I'm sure I throw them here. Wait! There is box." She reaches out and unboxes. "Whoa! A pair of shoes?" She puts them on and heads toward the car.

Dylan is leaning on a car. He looks at her and then at her shoes. He bends. "I'm not going to take them off. They look better on me!" says Janice. She steps back.

"Stand still," orders Dylan. He ties her shoelaces. "You don’t know how to tie a knot… do you? " She shakes her head. "Here. It’s done."

Lixin looking at them from the side mirror, gets off. "Are we done?" He rolls his eyes. He doesn’t like the idea of being his secretary.

"Ouch! What happens to your eye? You look like a panda," says Janice seeing his swollen eye. "Apply ice-cubes… you'll feel better."

"You'd better take care of yourself, " says Dylan. "Alright now, get in the car! We're leaving."


Huff Huff. Janice sits on the floor; arms curl around her knees, and eyes lock on the ring. Her fingers cold, and her face turning white. She is seated in the practice room of CK villa, and her fight with Christian is going to start shortly.

Kingsley sits beside her and waves his hand, "Hey! It's okay. You're going to be absolutely fine. Just be yourself." She nods, and he continues. She tries to focus on what he is saying. It seems that only his lips are moving.

Someone grips the collar of her shirt and makes her stand. He pours the cold water bottle on her. Janice gasps and shakes her head. She mouths 'thanks'.

He pats her back. "Punch him like you wanted to punch me." She recalls their first encounter in which she tries to punch him directly on his face.

"Is it a word of confidence, or you're trying to taunt me?" says Janice glaring at him. He shrugs. She nudges him, but he holds her arm, turns her around and holds her both hands. Her back is pressed against his chest and her face facing the ring. She struggles to set herself free.

"This kind of attitude will not be fruitful for you at the very moment," says Dylan giving her a jerk. "Look at your legs and your whole body… You're trembling."

She looks down at her legs, and what he says is right. Her legs are surely trembling? "I'm not trembling. This is the after-effects of cold water," scowls Janice.

"If you win, I'll buy every word of yours," He pushes her. She loses her balance but then manages to keep herself from falling. Janice takes every step cautiously; eyes fixed on the ring; her heart beating fast.

She looks directly into his eyes. Christian is standing opposite her. His locket keeps reminding her he is a taekwondo's alpha. She tells herself she is fearless. She keeps repeating the words inside her head, "I'm fearless; I'm unbeatable." Oh! What am I saying? An elderly man's voice echoes inside her head: I'm fearless; I'm unbeatable. What is this voice? It wasn't clear before. Ugh! She shakes her head. Ignoring the voice, she tries to focus on the match.

Christian bows, and Janice mimics him. They both fist bump with both of their hands. He maintains his usual stance, but the movement of his feet is slightly changed. She believes he does it on purpose.


"I will not go easy on you," says Christian aiming. She reckons she will be thrown by him by either of his front or reverse turning kicks. He has mastered both of them, but a voice inside her head keeps pestering her to fight back.

Janice scoffs, "Neither I expect you to!"