Janice is standing opposite Christian. He rotates his head in a circle to check his flexibility. She curls her fingers and makes a fist. She can fight. She can offend. She can defend. Janice teaches herself and looks directly into his eyes, and nods. She is wearing her white jeans and top, and Christian is in his black sports shorts. He doesn’t like to garb himself too much. Others believe he likes to show off, especially his muscular body, but she doesn't. He is strong and challenging, and nothing can break him. He isn't expressive either, so no one knows what's going inside his head. She believes he hasn't got someone in front of whom he can open his heart except for Dylan and Kingsley.
Christian runs towards her like a hungry beast ready to insert claws into his feast. She looks at his feet, trying to read his move and dodges his kick quickly. She turns around. Oh shit! Christian has already loaded his punch and hit her on the chin. She stumbles and hits the floor.
Janice stands up in a flash. Christian is already in his fighting stance. He pivots his leg turning to 180 degrees, swinging his leg high enough to kick her philtrum. Janice quickly bends her back, hyperextending her spine, shoulders and hip. She hears Kingsley gasps still and all she ignores like she is constantly ignoring voices. She restores her position, thinking she has avoided his kick; instead, Christian has already spun. This time his foot is lower, pointing at her torso, kicking hard on her ribs. She can't dodge and hit the floor.
Janice gasps, clutching her ribs. She lifts her head and glances at the timer. One minute has passed already? Time is flying, and she hasn't fought yet! She wants to fight back, but the voices keep distracting her. "Get up and fight back!" roars Christian. He is bouncing in front of her.
Janice gets up. Christian is ready to attack her further. His every strike lands smoothly on her though she tries hard to block them. She holds the ground until she knows she can't and falls on the floor again. She hears Dylan saying that the time is up and the first round is wrapped.
A hand grabs her from the collar and throws her to the floor away from the ring. "What do you think you were trying to do in the ring?" Dylan's voice bangs in her ears, and she opens her eyes. She realizes when she falls on the floor, she closes them and dares not to open them again. She wishes to run away. She tries, but Dylan holds her from the collar.
"Let me go!" struggles Janice. She tries to free herself from his grip, but his lecture isn't finished, at least not yet!
"You were trying to read his movements, weren't you?" asks Dylan sharply. Janice focuses on what he is saying, and her resistance comes to a halt. She nods softly, speaking Yes! and stares at the ground. "And what did I advise you?" He gives her a jerk trying to make her recall that she is making the same mistake again.
"To construct my own strategies and make them work for me," she repeats his words as clearly as Dylan delivers them.
"Yeah! Also to stay focus and seize the chance to offend and defend," adds Dylan. "Your opponent will not give you a chance. It is you… you have to seize." He puts so much emphasis while delivering his speech that she memorizes them. "Taekwondo may look easy but it isn't. It's like snatching victory from a lion's mouth!"
May look easy? She has almost got her ribs broken, and her lips are swelling, and he is saying it's easy? She would rather quit than to continue. She wants to mishit Dylan; instead, she controls her gut feeling and nods. "Err? Umm? Dylan? I want to tell you something," says Janice brainstorming to gather words. She wants to tell him about her problem and those voices, but before that, Christian shouts to come over and that her break is over. Dylan says he will listen to her after the match ends and throws her in the ring again.
Janice positions herself and closes her eyes, recalling her lessons. She repeats: I'm fearless; I'm unbeatable over and over again until she hears Dylan shout Ready! Fight! She opens her eyes and finds herself running towards Christian. She is about to offend first!
Janice flies up high in the air, rotates her torso hitting him on the face, and lands safely on the floor. Her speed and the combo with her reflexes are perfect that Christian can't dodge her. How does she do it? She looks at her feet and then at Kingsley, whose jaw has just dropped. What she has just done is hard to take in… for her as well as for others.
Christian, don't fall on the ground. He balances himself. "A perfect tornado kick! How do you do this?" He looks impressed rather than shocked. "Who is your master?"
"Ahm… you can say I'm the master and the student at the same time," says Janice, winking. She acts coolly though she hardly believes her move. Christian smirks. He raises his eyebrow, then his knee, exerting force by pulling his leg forward. Oh no, he is going to do a front kick! She is screwed! Maybe this is payback time.
"Alright, time's up!" says Dylan getting up from the floor. This is the second round seems like she has demonstrated enough show to them that they don't bother to continue their fight anymore. Janice looks at the foot, which is still in the air, to hit her. She looks into Christian's eyes. Her block is ready, and so is his kick. They both hold fire, still looking at each other hungrily, wanting more.
Loud claps ensure that their fight is over. They bow to each other and leave the ground.
"Bravo!" exclaims Kingsley patting her back. "Your tornado kick was sexy!" He hands her a towel. "At first I thought you're not going to make it. I was going to die because of you!" Janice looks at him questioningly. "Oh! I had to hold my breath because of your moves." Janice laughs. "I still can't believe my eyes. I mean look at your size and body. I never thought you'll have nice reflexes."
"Don't judge someone by its size even a small mouse can bite you to bleed," says Janice making a sign of victory.
"But Dylan had complete faith in you," says Kingsley. "Look!" He struggles and draws Dylan's hand, which he is hiding behind his back. "He has his finger crossed all the time." She looks at his hand and then at Dylan. Does he want to add here that much desperately?
"You've outsmarted today," says Christian coming towards them. He has his towel placed across his shoulders. His entrance drifts their attention. "Let's go out," suggests Christian. "I'm starving. And Hey! you are in too."
"Me?" asks Janice perplexed. She thought he would ask her to leave rather than join them. She feels butterflies in her stomach.
"Yeah! The first rule of Dragon roar club is to stick together," says Christian, counting rules on his fingertips. "Forget it. You'll know all the rules later. Let's go."
Kingsley hoots. "Now I have got someone of my taste." He gives Janice a half hug. "Congratulations, partner." Janice couldn't hold more and smiled until her cheeks muscles started to ache. She feels safe and comfortable while laughing with them. She feels like at home.
"Fine! But before that I want to take bath," says Janice.
"Let me accompany you," says Kingsley, and everyone stares at him. He realizes what he says at the moment sounds obnoxious. "Whoa Whoa Whoa Easy, my mean is to accompany her along the way. " He corrects himself. "What else could I mean?"