The story

Yichen's eyes widened at it while his father went on: "She acted in a much-panicked state as if a ghost had chased her down. She was panicking and was trembling terribly.

'Help me, was the word she said with much trouble in her eyes.

This father could see the hidden fear in your mother's dewy turquoise eyes and her milky white soft hands were twitching in anxiety.

Knowing that she was in much distress, I held her hands and asked her slowly to tell me what had happened and how can I help her.

I saw a hint of hope in your mother's eyes as I asked her; she shared in misery that it was all for the sake of her tribe. I learnt her name there; she introduced herself as Yanyu, the only daughter of the head of the tribe.

She said that the son of the tribe's General, Wang Hu had forced her hand in marriage.

That they plotted against her father that is supposed to be your grandfather. It appeared that the corrupted general and his son had found a weak opening in your grandfather's plans and had used it against them.

Your mother said that the tribe's General, father and son duo had threatened your grandfather with it.

It's either he married off his daughter to Wang Hu or they would use the opening to wipe them out which was the noble blood of the tribe.

This had left your grandfather in a much desperate state.

It was either your mother has to marry him or they will wipe them off. Your mother said that the tribe's general and his son Wang Hu were evil and they were plotting something crueller once she got to marry him.

Marrying her, the noble blood of the tribe was the same as becoming the higher authority of the tribe. With that immense power, their evil plan would have come to fruition and that will become the sole reason for the downfall of the tribe and even the entire planet!

Your mother said with teary eyes that the only way to save her and the tribe from the upcoming downfall was to run away from that marriage! She said that she had escaped from marrying the devil Wang Hu and those bastards were chasing after her, causing her to be in such a disastrous state."

At that time, it was too overwhelming to see your mother, her spiritual energy was depleted pretty much all pointing to a fierce battle amongst powers. It pained this father to know that such a precious fairy was forced into such a helpless state.

From the words of your mother, this father could tell that the thing of her tribe was no simple matter and the very fact that the tribe's general and his son were plotting something evil that could bring downfall not only to their tribe but the entire planet? What could it be?"

There were too many uncertainties and questions in this, therefore, I turned to your mother and asked further if she could tell me the dreadful thing that the tribe's general and his son were plotting. And if I may know the name of her tribe?

Just as I said those words, your mother's face suddenly changed, she quickly got up in irritation and said troubledly that if I am not willing to help her then she better leave that there is no use in sitting back and discussing furthermore.

Just from her words alone, this father understood that your mother ain't willing to disclose the name of her tribe and her problems no matter what; maybe her tribe was so formidable that she was afraid that disclosing it will create more chaos or maybe even put me in a tough situation.

Therefore, this father didn't pry on the matter furthermore and left things as it was.

Seeing her beautiful fragile being bearing so much pain and risk shouldering upon her head, saddened this father even more, so, this father finally gather the courage to ask how could I help her.

And do you know what she said?"

Lin Zhang suddenly smiled reminiscing the sweet memory and turned to his young son who was looking up to him attentively.

"What did mom say?", Yichen inquired him in wonder.

Lin Zhang smiled faintly at it and replied in a subtle amusement: "She said to marry her that it was the only way to escape from the trouble and the only way to help her. Though I fell for your mother, at first sight, it was so sudden and unbelievable when she asked me to marry her on the first day we met.

Your mother must have trusted me to take such a rash decision. The desperate words that were coming off from those cherry-like lips and dewy eyes; your father couldn't ignore her, so, I accepted her sudden proposal and marry her despite not knowing her real background.

Your mother was too beautiful and this father had already fallen for her at first sight.

Not even a single one of her relatives had attended the marriage, so, all that I could do for her was to prepare a small wedding with only the Lin clan attending the marriage.

Because her situation was somewhat dangerous, this father didn't allow anyone outside of the clan to attend the marriage and we kept it simple and low-profile.

As days went by, your mother and I shared a deep bond of love and we lived a carefree life forgetting about all the worries of the world.

Maybe marrying me had brought about a change in her heart. Your mother was slowly forgetting about her tribe's chaos. Deep down inside her heart, I knew that she was happy that the General and his son won't force her to marry anymore and eventually, the power of the noble blood of the tribe would stay unaffected.

Your mother was always careless and happy when she stayed here.

Her worried eyes were slowly filled with happiness.

Soon, a year later she gave birth to you and the thing of her tribe was fading away like a memory.

With our love growing as years went by, you too grew a little bigger and cuter with each passing day.

I remember your mother caressing you in the depth of her arms.

You were our treasured son.

Things went on smoothly till that year.

Your mother had acted weird that day as if she had foreseen something bad to happen.

She told me with a forlorn look in her eyes, 'They are here!'

By 'they', this father already knew who she was referring to and I finally realised that the time had finally come for our family to be forced to a breakup. Because though we are married, your mother's tribe will never accept a weakling as the husband of their sole heir. Furthermore, she told me that marrying someone outside the tribe was forbidden; it was their tribe's rules.

She had done the unimaginable by marrying me, therefore, to subdue the matter and to put it into its grave, your mother would eventually have to leave this place and the matter of her marrying a different clan would be buried deep within the grave.

Even if only the tribe's higher authorities knew of this matter, this father would be punished and would be forced to separate. Your mother understood this and thus decided to leave on her own so that the matter won't grow big and unbearable.

And Yichen you already know what had happened afterwards, to save you and the whole clan she had left with them otherwise, our whole clan would have been annihilated and there would have been blood bathed that day."

He then turned at Yichen's deep turquoise eyes and noted meaningfully: "So, without becoming strong don't ever think of going to your mother's tribe or even seeing her.

Your mother would be in danger if you act reckless and even might cause our whole clan to be annihilated.

The dreadful thing your mother's tribe is dealing with is not something you and I can deal with at our stage. Your father is hopeless, but you have a bright future ahead of you. Become stronger, otherwise, forget about your mother!"

His father's sharp words rang into Yichen's ears like a piercing bell.

He was left benumbed by it all.

From there, he got to know that to meet his mother he had to become powerful. He had to be at least at that stage where he could stand strong and against them.

With a firm determined look in his eyes, he turned to his father and said: "Father, Yichen understands. Yichen will never seek mother or try to find her until Yichen becomes strong, however.."

He finally looked up to him and inquired in curiosity: "How strong is strong enough?"