The bet

Intimidated by his son's sudden words, Lin Zhang looked at him in bewilderment.

There was a firm determination in his deep turquoise eyes; he was determined to become strong.

Though this son was strong-willed, no father would ever want to send his son to a deathbed. After all, Lin Zhang knew the strength of Yanyu's tribe; they were even more formidable than the power of those three famous sects of the earth continent combined together.

Last time, when he battled against Wang Hu, he was clearly in the Immortal Emperor level while he was only in the early fourth level Immortal, despite being of the same age there were several realms difference between them just like heaven and earth.

This was all too seven years ago, now that so many years had passed, it was unbelievable to think in which realm Wang Hu would be. On top of it, the strength of their whole tribe collected together; it was unimaginable to think what sort of power would that be.

Looking up at them was similar to looking up at heaven's might.

Therefore, hoping that Yichen would give up on seeking his mother, Lin Zhang turned away and stated strictly: "Become the champion in the Earth continent's youth tournament. By then I will tell you."

Lin Zhang then turned to look at his son's stunned face.

He was hoping that Yichen would finally give up seeking his mother by giving him an impossible feat.

What was the Earth continent's youth tournament like? It was simply a tournament for the famous three sects of the Earth continent to showcase who was who and who was more powerful than the other.

Though the name suggested that it was the Earth continent's youth tournament, no one outside of the famous three sects had become the champions, not even for once. It was all because the famous three clans of the Earth continent and many other small clans and solo cultivators had their resources and cultivation methods but were still far less compared to those of the famous three sects of the Earth continent-the Gold sect, the Glorious sky sect and the Autumn sky sect.

Those three sects had their hands on several cultivation methods, martial techniques, weapons, several pills and spiritual plants, on top of it, were several instructors, and masters to teach the disciples and guide them from a very young age. On top of it, were the generations of top disciples that were being produced there.

Because the disciples had been honed from a very young age by these capable masters, several seniors and instructors, their disciples still far exceed those cultivators who had learned outside the sect.

So, challenging those disciples from the three sects, defeating them and becoming the winner of the competition was simply impossible unless one became a disciple of one of these famous sects and make up for all those lost years, trained hard and eventually achieved a miracle.

Even if all that happened, it would still be very difficult because Yichen was still several years late.

The famous three sects all recruited their disciples who were ten years of age and started training them from then on.

Compared to them, Yichen had only just begun his training and was still in the basics of cultivation, therefore, when encountering disciples of his age, he would still be inferior to them and would not be able to spar with them.

From this, Lin Zhang was drawing the line and stating that Yichen should give it up and that he was aiming for the impossible.

But who was this Yichen? He was not the type to give up that easily, though he knew of his disadvantage; he trusted his master and even more, he believed in himself. He refused to give up without even trying.

When given a challenge, a real man faced it head-on; only a coward would run away and hide and Yichen was no coward.

He turned to his father and said with a determined look on his face: "Father, Yichen understands. Yichen will become the champion of the Earth continent's youth tournament."

Lin Zhang too guessed this from his son.

Though he didn't expect him to win the championship, he still knew that his son would strive harder to win it and would never run away. It was already a good motivation and he was sure that once, he failed to win the championship, his son would eventually give up on seeking his mother. That was also a good thing as, during the process of training, his son would still improve his cultivation and he would be able to hand down the chief position to him without worries.

Never did Lin Zhang think that his son would be able to defeat those genius disciples of the prestigious sects and become the winner.

He was just happy that Yichen would at least become a bit stronger when he participated in it and it was already satisfactory.

With the thought in mind, he nodded his head and inquired amusingly: "Then...son, have you decided on which sect to join?"

Though it was a little late, the three sects will still recruit students if they are talented enough, after all, no one would want to reject the tiger pub.

If there were great possibilities then they would gladly accept the pub and hone it to become a majestic tiger which would one day serve the sect and brought them glory and honour.

Lin Zhang was too thinking that maybe his son would work hard to enter one of the sects and only then will he be able to compete in the championship.

He was expecting that much from Yichen.

Yichen carefreely smiled and brushed him off: "Nah, those sects are too troublesome, ain't Yichen already got a supreme master? Yichen will instead train under my master's guidance and enter the competition as a sole cultivator."

There was a spark of confidence as he proclaimed it.

Lin Zhang glanced at his son unbelievably.

No matter how much formidable his master was, it would be different from training alone and training inside the most prestigious sects where all the genius disciples gathered together and spar amongst themselves. At least in the sect, he would have encountered several promising disciples and even spar with them greatly which will help to hone his fighting skills.

Thinking all this through, Lin Zhang speculated that his son's stands were a mistake.

"Yichen, this...??!! Are you sure about it? You can still have your master's training and at the same time, learned under the masters from those prestigious sects as well. With it, you can spar with those talented disciples from the sect in various ways and hone your skills furthermore, Isn't that better?"

He inquired Yichen in much doubt.

Yichen was strong in his stance, therefore, he replied with a firm belief in his heart: "Father, Yichen would rather be a solo cultivator who doesn't bind to any prestigious sects and rules. After all, father knows that Yichen doesn't like to follow rules and submit to authority.

Rather, Yichen would love to learn from my master and have our freedom. Father only needs to know that my master is one formidable character and is even far better than those masters from the prestigious sect."

Yichen's stance was loud and clear, 'My master is simply the best!'

Lin Zhang couldn't help but stare at his son in wonder. He never saw this mysterious master that his son had said, naturally he didn't know how formidable he was.

But still, Yichen had put this much faith in this mysterious master. Since this was the case, then Lin Zhang could only stand by and support him from behind. It's not like he could change his son's mind anyway, besides that, this unknown master had cured him and helped his son in his cultivation, therefore, he guessed that this master meant only good for his son.

Hence, Lin Zhang finally gave up on it and said: "Son, since you have so much faith in this master then this father has nothing more to say."

Lin Zhang let out a heavy sigh, patted his son's shoulder and soon walked out from there.

"Kid, you surely made a huge bet this time!", Lord Guotin clamoured out in amazement.

Seeing his teacher flying up to his shoulder, Yichen grinned handsomely and answered: "Of course, I have to be daring if I want to meet mother."

"Then are you confident to win it?"

His master asked in wonder.

Yichen smirked at it and replied cockily: "With master's guidance, why would Yichen be not confident? It's not like Master won't train me, ain't it Master?"

His words were full of sureness when it comes to his master.

He was betting his all to this Beast God master who was like a godfather to him. He was shouldering and sharing his loads with this master.

Lord Guotin was pretty much amused by this disciple's belief in him; he simply scoffed at it and said amusingly: "Heh, kid, in that case, you have cast your bet in the right place!"