The yellow ranking troupes

"We'll be on our way." The devil thanked the same man who took more than enough money for a room that's not evened up to my princely standard.

"I hope to see you someday." The man smirked, "you're welcome to lodge here whenever you come into town." He gave the devil a look.

Certainly, he's probably discerning bags of wealth whenever he glanced at the devil.

"Of course, we will. Thanks once again for that." The devil replied, his face not showing a trace of a smile.

"Once again, happy married life." He winked at me.

" You better mind your business!" I snap at him.

" It's okay, wife. He means well," winking at the inn man, the Devil led me outside.

Since it's still morning, the entire place is devoid of any patrons.

In some ways, I'm glad about that. At least, only a few people were around when the devil strolled in with me in his arms.

After the fight with the stupid thugs, whom the devil set on fire, he carried me back *admits protest and fights from I of course.* to the inn to retrieve our carriage.

And that's why we came back to this same place instead of going to hell from there.

Entering the same carriage now, I lie on the soft padded chair.

"Don't worry, love, we're almost there. It won't take us long to arrive." The devil called out to me.

Love my foot!

Scoffing to show him exactly what I think of his stupid endearments, I close my eyes to sleep.

The moment I did so, I found myself sinking into the dream world.



I look out through the horizon, as I scan for the blue-headed fiends who were likely informed of my presence in the human world.

Riya might have placed my guards around this place to fight them off, but there's no telling if they got them all.

Roderick the stupid red fiend who loves to poke his nose into where it doesn't suit is likely to be one of those lying in wait for me.

As the king of the slums, he tries everything in his power to move his level up. His rank might be low, but his aspirations aren't.

He wants to level up every damn chance he gets.

Closing my eyes, I second scanned my surroundings, and that was when I detected another presence close by.

I open my eyes once more. Flicking my fingers, I caused the fiends in hiding to make an appearance.

Already having in mind to see either the blue tribe or the red one, I was surprised to see the yellow ranking third Troupe.

The yellow ranking third troupe are groups of demons who share a common interest and listens to a certain person.

They're not known to be war demons. They're mostly on the neutral ground.

Not joining the war, nor supporting the war. They're groups of demons that mind their businesses without being told.

Seeing them surprised me, as I wasn't expecting to meet them. At least not in a place like this.

Before getting down from the hall, I released my azure flames toward the human in the carriage.

"Circle him with protection until am through with the threats," I command it as I walk towards the leader of the yellow ranking troupes.

Unlike the blue and red families, the leader of the yellow RT (Ranking Troupes) hardly makes an appearance unless something calls for it.

He's not one to make an impromptu appearance if duty doesn't call for danger.

"Fancy seeing you in a deserted place like this." He mussed, his phoenix-like eyes taking in the attire I took while in the humans' Kingdom.

"The same can be said for you." I look at his guards when I noticed something, "no respect for your king?" I give them a boring long look.

"We have only one king, and he's standing right in front of us." They said in unison. There's no doubt in me that they might have liked taking a class to say those words as smoothly as they did.

"Is that so?" I smirked at the yellow so-called king, "It seems this meeting isn't accidental like I thought."

" Am here to fight a duel with you for the throne." He said in a commanding voice, one that sounds like that of a child playing dress-up with his father's pistol.

" And here I thought the yellow RT doesn't have an eye for the throne," I give him a bored look.

" We might have been neutral for years, but that doesn't mean we're supporting what's happening around here." He makes a motion towards his men," we're tired of being let down by those we're higher than in ranks. It's time to take what rightfully was ours!"

" Yes!" His men chorused.

I burst into laughter, one that sounds as deep as the void within me. One with enough fire, just like my pet volcano.

" What's funny?"

" You guys are." Laughing, I gave each of them a look. My eyes took in their attire and their so-called battle stance.


"You dare speak against your creator and helper!" Growling at him, I allow my true form emerges, after more than a century of being held captive within my soul.

Summoning my fire around me, I took to the skies.

The yellow RT, already knowledgeable about my usage of fire, produced their water to quench my fire.

"You all are fools!" I laughed at the pathetic troupes that are attempting to fight against me.

Forgoing the fire I formed around me, I conjured my air with my right, while I conjured my ice with my left hand.

Killing the men of my kingdom doesn't sit well with me, but I won't mind showing them exactly what am capable of doing.

The leader took to the skies. Sending his water the same time his men did, he flicked some towards the carriage they're quite aware housed my human bride.

"Not too fast."