Escaping from the devil

I smirked when the protection I kept around the carriage revolted against the threat on the person in there.

Stunned by that, they weren't focused on me, and that made me expertly bind them to each other. Snaking my flames around them, I conjure a portal.

Fighting against my revolting members is just child's play.

Especially when the ones fighting against me happened to be clouded by their greed to take the throne from me.

"Please my king." Their leader pleaded when he saw the fiery portal I made.

Without being told, he already knows the destination the portal will take them to.

"Your time is up." I flick my fingers, and they all disappeared with the portal I conjured, their cries of plea disappearing with the portal.

"Good riddance." I smirk to myself before I walk back to the carriage, "it's time to go home, wife." I look into the carriage but didn't see him.

The spot he was lying on is now empty and devoid of the male that was once lying there. Not even the small box I kept near him can be found.

At first, I thought he has been kidnapped, but when I saw the footprints on the ground, I had to resist the urge to groan in pain.

This male has been with me for not less than a day, and he has successfully gotten under my skin more times than my subjects have ever done.

Had it been on my demons that did all the things my bride did, I would have set them on flames at the first challenge to battle.

But I don't know what it is about the male that's drawing me to him. It feels as if a string is pulling me towards him, and I can't fight against it.

Truth be told, I initially intended to cancel the deal, but my first meeting with him caused me to proceed.

I need to know why I feel this way for someone who's not a demon, and that can only be done if he's with me.



Making sure there are no wannabe demon kings around, I teleported myself to the place my stubborn male bride is hiding.

It wasn't really difficult to know where he was hiding, as his scent can be distinguished in a sea of people.

He smells like the sun on a summer day mixed with strawberries and oranges.

With a scent as sweet-smelling as that, it's not too difficult to locate him.

Not only was his scent the only thing that led me to him, but the hiding place he chose is not so a hiding place.

It's a beckon to all who care to look for the mischievous, arrogant prince I scored as a bride.



I woke to the sound of something whooshing in my face. Opening my eyes, I screamed at the top of my lungs, only stopping when I saw the fire diminish.

I hastily rose from my makeshift bed and looked out of the window.

Surrounding the devil are males that don't look all that human to me, not only was their eyes and body colour an indication of it, but the way they all carried themselves as if they know of something no one else knew of.

They're demons!

The words just filtered through my thoughts as I watched them talk.

It seems as if they're discussing something serious, as the devil hasn't for once turned to look in my direction.

The more I watched them, the more I think about the possibility the devil might be planning on giving me up to them.

What if they intend to take me as a slave?

But, that's not true.

I mean, why will he agree to marry me if he intends to give me up to the yellow looking demons?

My mind and I continued with our debate until the leader of the yellow coloured demons turned to look at the carriage before he faced the devil once more.

Just filtering look, but it was all it took for me to decide on what to do.

I can't sit here and watch them talk about how they're going to exchange me for some money.

Seeing how engrossed they are with each other, I decide to take matters into my hands.

Taking the box I saw the Devil place near me when I was pretending to be asleep, I ran out of the carriage.

Chancing a look at the males who're still talking about whatever it is they're talking about, I dash towards the clusters of trees not too far from where he stopped the carriage.

I ran without chancing a look back. Never turning to check if the devil has noticed my absence.



Running for a long time, I decided to rest when I noted I've covered more grounds, and it's likely going to take the devil a long, long time to find me.

I smirked devilishly *I can't help smirking like that male.*

All I need to do right now is locate a good hiding place.

I have to find a place to hide to prevent the devil from locating me should he think of searching for me.



I walked for a long time before I saw a fallen tree. One of its large trunks can perfectly hide me from anyone who cares to walk through this place.

"Finally." I sigh in contentment as I lean on the tree.

I'm finally free from the Devil.

Free from that man…

My poor stomach decided to rumble as it expertly cut my thoughts short.

It's okay love.

I place my hand on my stomach and protectively caressed it.

I'll search for food for you.

I look up at the sky to gauge the time. With the sun up, and shining, it'll be really difficult to get up and search for food.

All I need to do is have some much-needed rest before I start my food search.

Taking the box I took from him, I decide to make use of it as a pillow, but it accidentally fell from my hand.