Into the battle arena

"Stop talking, I need to go concentrate on the battleground." I eagerly settled on my chair, not at all mindful of the fact the devil just conjured it out of nowhere.

Presently, I'm more than eager to know how this fight plays out. I want to know who among the fighters will bag the prize.

"There's something you need to know about this fight to the death. Every night, ten fighters are chosen, but only one among them emerges victorious."

"What?" I hastily turned when I heard the words. " What do you mean by that?" I blink in question.

" Before a winner is determined, you must defeat the rest of the contestants, and that's nine demons in total. Should one of these two win the Battle, they'll have to fight against eight more contestants before the verdict is passed."

" This isn't fair."

" Life isn't fair at all. They all want a chance to change their future. A chance to be recognized, and seen more than normal demons leaching off on others. And that chance comes with a prize."

" Their death?" I scoff.

" Their strength." He said, before pointing at the two males in the ring," they are about to start their fight.

I know you wouldn't want to miss out on that."

"Not for anything in the entire world."

Of a truth, what the Devil said to me showed how uncivilized and bloodthirsty the demons in this place are. But that isn't enough to prevent me from watching the fight unfold between them.

Since they don't seem to mind, I don't see any reason why I should mind at all. After all, it's their life.

Should they not mind at all, I don't see why I should mind about that.

I can't be the odd sheep out, now, can I?

Watching with batted breath, I watch the males exchange a handshake before the fight begins.

The red and blue demon was the first to attack the one-eyed demon, who has already taken the defensive mode.

The one-eyed Demon deflected the attack without breaking a sweat. He advanced closer and kicked. Fire came out of his shoes that looked harmless minutes ago, and he flicked it on the unsuspecting demon.

"That's cheating! Why should he make use of his fire in the arena?"

"That shows their capabilities. In the ring, it doesn't matter what you utilize to fight your opponent. What matters is that you win.

No one cares about the weapons."

" It still not fair."

Just as I completed those words, the red, and blue demon, brought out a fiery sword. A sword that looks like it's on fire.

He swung it towards the one-eyed demon, who dodged the blow, only to send the blue and red Demon flying.

He landed at the other end of the ring, Immediately stood up, and advanced towards the one-eyed demon that was looking so damn pleased with himself.

He seems like someone who has won a battle, or something of that sort.

The blue and red demon flung his fiery sword at the one-eyed demon, who wasn't anticipating that, and the sword sliced his arm.

He howled in pain as a blue substance started dropping from his hand.

The entire arena was as quiet as it was on my wedding day when I challenged the devil. Everyone was watching with batted breath as they tried to figure out the winner.

"You think the one-eyed demon will win?" I turn to the devil, who's sitting relaxed as he watched the battle. He looked like one who isn't concerned about the outcome of the fight."

"I don't care who wins." He shrugs, "during the fight, the least individual you thought will win the fight is the one who does."

" So, you think the blue and red Demon will win?" I ask, not willing to give up without knowing whom the devil is rooting for between the two fighters.

There's no way he can tell me he's not rooting for any of them.

It doesn't sound possible at all.

"As I said before, I don't care who wins the fight. I came here all for your sake."

"You are no fun!" folding my arms, I turn to watch the fight that's unfolding in the ring.

"Most times, you can't predict things that involve living being." The devil said in a low voice.

The fight continued for a long time, with none of the willing to admit defeat. The eyed Demon who got the upper hand when the fight became started losing to the blue and red demon who's looking smug.

"The blue and red demon is the winner," I told the devil, just before the one-eyed demon, flung a ball of fire at the Demon, and got his heart separated from his body.

The entire place became awash with blue blood that seems to burn before it disintegrated.

"Oh, Gods!" I exclaimed.

I wasn't expecting the gore and all these.

"Never try to predict the verdict." The devil said in a smug tone, "not everyone voted for the one-eyed Demon. Not only for the fact he's not only good-looking, but he looked incompetent."

"I thought you said you don't predict when it comes to things like this?" I frown at him.

" Of course, that was what I said. I never did predict, but I'm quite aware of the fact the one-eyed must win."

Subsequently, we watched as the one-eyed demon went through six Demos without breaking a sweat.

But just when he was thought the winner, he got killed by the eleventh fighter.

"What a waste of strength." I scoff as I thought about the one-eyed Demon who might have thought he was on his way to a greater height, only to be defeated at the near pinnacle of success.

"Let's welcome the last contestant!" The demon who owned the ring announced.

Ready to see another odd demon among them, I wasn't prepared when I saw a fellow human standing inside the ring.

Not only is the person a human, but they happen to be female.