The fifteenth wife

"Surprise!" Bel shouted when I opened the door.

Without waiting for my invitation, she entered my room as if she owns it all.

"And what's the surprise?" I frown at her back.

"Wow." She looked around in awe, "Kelin not only gave you a room in his wing, but he had it decorated with foreign things."

" Those are not foreign." I roll my eyes at her, "they are mine. This was how my room back in the human world is."

" He brought your room here?" She dramatically gasped, "it seems Kelin is doing his best to make you feel at home here."

"At home? There's no way I'll ever feel at home here." I look around my room, "he might have brought everything that were mine, here, but that doesn't make here my home.

I have a home, but it's not in this realm." I sighed, "I miss home already."

Bel scoffed at my words, "quit daydreaming, human. You are now married to Kelin —"

"The Devil." I correct, "stop making him sound so human, and normal. He's the devil, you shouldn't forget that."