
"Quick question before we go through the passage way that will lead us to the general dining Hall —"

"What's it?" I frown at her.

"Never talk back to Dusa." She looked around, before she lowered her voice, "among the wives of Kelin, Dusa is the one you should be wary about."

"What?" I raise a brow at her, "why are you giving the warning?"

"Just don't do anything to get on her bad side. She's a vampire, I don't think you want to get your blood sucked on your second day here, will you?"

"What's a vampire? Why will she suck my blood?" I shiver at the thoughts of someone sucking my blood.

I felt the sensation down my body.

"She came from the kingdom of bloodsuckers, they don't eat normal food, they drink blood." She dramatically widened her eyes as she said those words.

"For real?" I rub my arm as I tried to fight off the goosebumps.