The she devil can't be trusted

The females gasped at my words. Their eyes looked big and ready to boggle out of the sockets any moment from now. The look alone is quite comical.

"You dare talk back at me?" She growled in anger.

"Wait, Tiger Lady." I scoff, "I'm not talking back at you. I'm trying for us to be civil with each other. We just met, no?" I raise a more at her, "don't you think we need to introduce ourselves?"

"How dare you!" Her ashen face turned pure white. So white was it, I stood, shell shocked, as I watched her.

So, this is it?

I will confess, she does look scary as she talked. I can see the reason Bel warned me against her.

If looks can kill, I doubt I will be standing by now.

"I don't dare go to anything, ma. I was just trying to be civil. You don't have to make it sound as if we are quarrelling."

"Of course, we're quarrelling!" She growled at me, "I will show you what happens to a human who questions my authority!" She stormed towards me.