Getting back at her

"How's your neck?" He walked towards me, and would have touched me, had I, not, sidestepped him.

"We will be late. The others are already waiting for us." I walk towards the door, "I would rather not be late, so as not to piss the devil off."

"Grys," the devil walked towards me. "My anger—"

I started humming to myself, and that helped me drown out his words.

When he saw I wasn't ready to listen to his words, he didn't say anything else. What he did, was angrily walk past me.

And I followed him, running as I tried to keep up with him.

The walk to the dining was done in uncomfortable silence. I didn't say a word to him, and neither did he say any, to me.

The devil just walked on, and I followed him.

"Kelin." His wives bowed to him when we came in.

The moment Dusa's eyes landed on me, her smiling face turned into a full frown. However, it turned into a smirk when she saw my bruised neck.