The talkative demon

I stayed in the dining until one of the soldiers, he had, came to escort me to the training ground.

The soldier who came is a green demon. However, he's not like the ones I've met. This one not only has scales, but two horns are popping out from his head. 

If you don't know what you are looking for, you won't see it. 

However, being the busy body I was, I perfectly saw it. 

His eyes were an odd white. There are no other colours in them. It was just pure white. However, it wasn't as creepy as it would have been if I haven't seen it. 

In some ways, the colour of his eyes suits his skin colour.

As we walked, I made sure to keep tabs on the direction he was taking. 

"This is the hall for the maids. Should you have any reason to enlist the help of the maids, you only need to come to this place." He pointed at one of the halls.