
"If you say so."

"I said so." Without turning to look at the Devil, I entered the dinning room.

Immediately the door closed behind me, all the females turned to look at me.

However, the person I felt the stare the most was none other than Dusa. It felt like her eyes were boring holes on me.

But there was something different from the way she was looking at me. It was as if she's trying to figure me out.

Her eyes went straight to the axe I was clutching on to, and it partially narrowed.

"Good morning," I partially bowed to them before going straight to my chair.

"Good morning, Kelin." The females rose from their chairs, and bowed lowly when the devil came in.

Since I was still standing, I decided to join them in greeting the devil, although I came in with him.

"You can have your seat." He motioned for them to sit.

"Thank you, Kelin."

As one, we all sat on our chairs.