Not a worthy opponent

She touched the axe, but nothing happened. No spark, no shock. It was as if the axe was just an ordinary one.

"What? This isn't the axe of flames. It's an ordinary axe!" She dramatically widened her eyes.

"That was what I said. Why are you making it seem like I lied about my words?"

I frown at her.

So, she wants to touch the axe of flames.

//Can you get her to remove her hand from my back? It's making me uncomfortable.//

Sarit pleaded in a voice I've not heard her make use of, before.

//Endure for a minute more. And she will do that, herself.//

"It wasn't what I thought." Dusa Rose from the chair, "you liar! How can you go about telling people that this is the axe of Flames when it's just a piece of wood!"

//I'm not a piece of wood! I will show you what im—//

I took hold of Sarit and started rubbing soothing circles on her back.