You could have warned me!

I pushed the devil away and ended up falling on the bed.

Sarit who has been silent started laughing, and that pissed me off more than I thought possible. It made me want to throw her to the wall, and watch her clatter to the floor.

"I will check who's at the door." The devil said as he walked towards the door.

"Your—" The stupid demon's words froze in his throat when he saw who was standing on the other end of the door.

I don't blame him one bit because I know that's what I would have done if I end up in such a situation.

"My Lord, Kelin." He bowed, kneeling on the floor, and placing his hands in front of him, in a show of submission.

"What's it? What do you want?"

"The qu— My royal princesses are asking for the presence of the royal prince." He said nervously, with his eyes darting everywhere but at the devil.

It was damn comical, seeing the carefree stupid Demon in such a shape. It made me eager to see him act some more.