To the East

I slept halfway to the East.

According to the devil, it will take us a day and a half to reach the East with the carriage.

However, it will only take him a thought to reach there, should he teleport. But he's trying to appear regal—his words, and not mine.

That was the reason he decided to take the best carriage he has.

I yawned, stretching a bit to relax my muscles. "Are we not there, yet?" I ask the devil.

"We are still closer to my palace. You can return to sleep, when we reach, I will let you know."

"As if." I yawned, "is there any food remaining?"

"You have eaten thrice since we left the palace." The devil frowned at me, "you need to reduce your intake of food."

"Are you complaining? You can take me back to my room. After all, I didn't force you to bring me here. You did that on your own."

The devil frowned at me a bit before he gave me another plate of food.