Making out under the moon

"I'm not afraid of swimming!"

"And I never said you were." The devil paddled a bit, "I was only trying to make some conversations. Don't act as if I'm blaming you for anything. It's okay to be afraid of the water. I understand."

"I can swim!" I angrily rose from the ground that I was sitting on, and stormed to where the devil was. "I will show you how capable I am!"

"I don't doubt that at all. I know you can swim. You are just shy of showing another person what skills you possess. It's okay, you don't—"

"I can swim!" I started to remove my clothes, "my servants always praise my ability to swim like a water God. I won't allow you to speak ill of me!"

The devil watched me as I removed my shirt before the trousers followed suit. The expression he had on his face, as he watched me, made me self-conscious.

And I would have covered my chest with my palms had it not been for one thing.