Did she put up a front?

The devil didn't stop frowning even when we reached the garden. The way his eyes darkened as he walked next to me, showed how pissed off he is.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you are still thinking of the princess?"

The devil's head snapped towards me at the mention of the princess. "Why did you ask me to go with her?"

"You are getting married to her, aren't you? Don't you think you need to get familiar with the female you are about to get married to?"

"And you think forcing me to acknowledge her will do you any good?"

I shrugged, "take it as my way of trying to help you."

"Help me do what?"

"Get to know your wife. You are supposed to be grateful for that."

Deep down, I'm happy the devil didn't take my words seriously. I felt happy that he decided to take a walk with me instead of that beautiful princess.