What do you hope to gain

"Ouch!" I cried out in pain.

Falling from so high a wall seemed to be a child's play, but that was until I did fall from that.

I took a deep, steady breath as I tried to override the pain. Just a fall, and I've got my bones broken.

I thought the Devil said I shared a few of his powers, why is this pain this much?

Could it be that the devil lied to me?

Well, that's not a new thing. After all, he has been lying to me for a long time now.

From the other side of the wall, I can hear the shouts of the guards.


I rose from the ground and dusted my trousers before I started for the great gates of the city.

As I leapt towards the gate, making sure to stay in the shadows, as that's the only way for me to safely reach there without alerting the guards.

I can't allow them to find me. I need to be careful with this.