
"It's a long story, dear." I chuckle at the expression on his face.

"You are married to the devil?" He looked dumbstruck, with his eyes as wide as saucers.

"Just like your sister is about to."

"Your village gave their prince up? Don't you have a princess, it is the tradition of his kingdom?"

"No. My parents gave me up before I was born."

My destiny was predetermined before I came to the world.

"That's cruel. You weren't given the chance to decide?"

"No." I smiled to stop the tears from flowing down my face, "I will be on my way, prince."

"We are—"

"I won't forget your help, oh prince. And should our paths cross, I will be sure to remember your help."

"Even if I'm not the one, don't relent to help."

"I won't."

There is no way I can ever forget the kind help from him. It's not something a person easily forgets.

"Take care, runaway bride."

"You also, rebellious prince."