The horses in exchange for the Princess

Getting things done within two hours since I left Grys in our room, I went to the nearest stream to wash off the blood that was coating my entire body.

The Kingdom of the East had an odd request, which included wiping off their enemies. It was part of the deal, and that was the reason I executed it.

The Kingdom of the West has always been at loggerheads with the kingdom of the East. And that was what brought about the deal the king struck with me.

For the safety of their Kingdom, their princess is willing to give up her life and happiness.

I washed off the blood coating my body before I flicked my fingers, and flames engulfed the soldiers of the West.

Currently, the kingdom of the West is without soldiers to guide them because I've wiped them off like the king of the East demanded.

Right now, it's time to collect my end of the deal and leave.

"Lord," one of the demons with me, knelt in front of me.