Stream of blood

"It might be the truth." The devil didn't stop to answer me, he spoke as he walked deeper into the forest.

"But that's not possible."

There is no way I could have achieved what I did without the help of another. It's not possible.

"Maybe my power in you has decided to manifest after being dormant? Stop thinking about this, let's continue."

I was reluctant to allow this to be dropped like that. However, I have no proof that the powers I made use of, are not mine.

//Let's go.//

Sarit was eager to follow the devil. I can feel her taste for blood.

//It seems like this is the only thing you know how to do.// I held her in my hand and didn't attempt to put her back because of how bloody the blades were.

//I live for blood.//

"That over there is the stream of blood." The devil pointed at the distance.

"Stream of blood?" I frown at his back. "Is the stream made of blood?"