A different face

None of us spoke to each other, and Sarit didn't try to speak with me, either. It was as if she were trying to ignore me, just like I ignored the devil.

However, that doesn't seem to add up. There is no reason for Sarit to be angry with me, just because I don't want to speak with the devil.

Well, if she doesn't want to speak with me, there is no way I can force her to do so. I won't force anyone to speak with me.

"You are back, already?" Dusa's group were the first to make an appearance.

They looked tired and worn out. Each has an animal slung across their shoulders as they trudged towards us like people that were being controlled.

"As expected, your group is always the first to complete their task." The devil said in an emotionless voice. It was as if he were talking to one of his subjects, and not his wives.