Not a good brother( Author's Pov)

The minister glanced at the spot the devil was supposed to be.

One minute, the Lord sat on his throne, ready to judge the demons of the sea. And in the next minute, he has disappeared to only the dark Knows where.


He facepalmed.

"I'm sorry, but our Lord has an urgent matter to take care of."

"Isn't our matter urgent?" The sea demons seethed in anger.

The way their eyes narrowed, made it seem as if they intend to hit the poor minister who was thinking of how to save himself.

This isn't the first time the devil has down this. However, this is the first time their Lord has disappeared during a meeting.

"Of course, your case is important. But you see, our Lord has some things to take care of at the border. The creatures of the wind are trying to wage war against the people of hell.

He has gone to take care of it."