The Mysterious man

"Where am I?" I glanced around the place. I was in an unfamiliar, dark place. There was no light, but I was able to see everything in the room.

It was odd, but at the same time, it felt normal.


At the sound of a person's voice, I Hastily turned.

"Who are you?" I glanced around the place, but I was unable to make out the face of the person standing close to me.

He was dressed in an ancient-looking gown. It was more like a wrapper that was tied at both sides and pinned with a peg.

The blue wrapper was so long, that it covered his entire body and his legs. His face wasn't also left out.

A black mist surrounded it. It covered the entire face and made it difficult for me to know the face of the mysterious man.

On his hand is a staff.

Long and sharp, it glittered in the dark place.

Looking at it, made me recall Sarit.