That boy, Jyp

"Watch." He flicked his fingers twice, and something like a screen appeared. It was too big and white that it made me squint a bit before I got my eyes adjusted to the brightness.

"What's that?" I frown at the man with the misty head. "Why did you suddenly get something so white?"

"You wanted to know about the past, Grys. That's why you are here, to know about the past."

"And that is the past?" I point at the bright thing.

"Stop talking, and pay attention." He motioned with his hand towards the white large squared thing, and it came alive with colours.


The magnificent garden there was so beautiful, it made me wish to enter into the bright thing, to touch the flowers.

The man tapped me on my shoulder, and I felt strange.

Suddenly, I got lighter. Before I can register what happening, I found myself in the same garden.


"How did I get in here?" I turned to the misty man, who was surprising wearing a mask.