Let the crown queen be the judge

Dusa and the other wives looked so mad, I was amazed the Earth didn't quake at all.

However, none of them said anything.

Bel in particular kept on looking at me. There was this expression on her face, that confused me.

The expression was that of shock, but it seemed as if she was more shocked than the other wives. Yet, she said no words about it.

"Now, let's begin."

I glanced around the room as the devil solved the disputes between the Demons.

Who would have thought demons have almost the same problems as humans?

It's funny, actually.

"My Lord," a green Demon bowed. He placed a hand on his forehead and knelt before he bowed to the devil once more.

And this time, he touched the ground with his forehead.

"You may rise," Fyre said with the same tone of voice he has been making use of since we came to this place.

"Thank you, My Lord." The Demon bowed once more before he rose from the floor.