A face off with Dusa

"The demons of the soil only have a princess of age, who isn't the one who was betrothed to the demons of fire. However, this princess is a head son. He was only called a princess because of the way his hair curled.

That was the one, the creatures of the sea wanted. But it's not for their head daughter, but their head son. There is no way we can give our son over to them."

"Over to them? We only want a form of allegiance with you. It's not as if we are going to kill your son when you give him over to us."

The way the demon of the sea narrowed his eyes at the demon of the soil was comical.


I finally figured something out by just looking at them.

"Are you by chance the ones who are to be Married?"

The creature of the soil undeniably has curly hair and a bit boyish and cute face, while the demon of the sea looked so imposing.

It wasn't difficult to know why they don't want such an allegiance.