What do you want in exchange?

As I ate, I kept on stealing glances at Bel. Sure, she was still looking at me as if she were trying to figure something out.

Why is that expression still on her face?

I wondered as I stole more glances at her.

Dusa was fuming in anger and doesn't cease sighing.

"Why can't a person eat in peace here. I wonder if this was the reason the human decided to leave this place." I put my hand together and narrowed my eyes at them.

"Mind your business. If you think you are free to do anything you want because you are the soon-to-be crown Queen, then I will clip your wings." Dusa threatened, with a narrowed glare, at me.

"Oh, my," I fake shock, "I will love to see you do that."


And it started after that day.

Unlike when I was still the human Grys, Dusa was out to get me.

She started by adding more spice to my food.

And when she saw that, didn't bother me and topped up.