Let's trail them

"I will go with you," I say up on the fallen tree I was sitting on, and faced him.

"No, you will stay here where you are safe, Jyp. I can't allow you to go with me. You need to be safely guarded at all times. I don't want to lose you as I did before. You are all I have, Jyp.''

"I'm capable of taking care of myself, Fyre. You don't have to make it sound like I'm a catalyst for trouble. I'm going with you there. As the soon-to-be coronated queen, don't you think I need to be there for my people?"

"You are not the queen, yet, Jyp. No one will force you to defend them."

"Not a queen yet? I'm married to you, Fyre. I became your wife the day I got married to you, although I was forced to do so, then."

He chuckled, "I can still recall those moons before as if it were today. You were one stubborn prince who was determined to defeat me. I admired your bravery then."