She's hiding something

"Are you sure about this? Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of sneaking up on the devil when he's the least expectant of it, but I don't know about you. Will you be okay when he finds out you defiled him?"

"Let's think about that when it happens. For now, let's do what we have to do." I said before I started for the room, and Sarit begrudgingly followed me.

I know how much she loves staying outside. However, if I'm not outside, then, you won't see her outside.

"Why are you going back so early? We can take a walk around the stream or go for a midnight hunt. Why will you want to go to bed so early?" She whined as she trailed after me.

"If you don't want to go back, you can stay out here and play forever. Why are you following me around?"

"You know why."

"And that's why?" I frown at her, "if you don't have something important to complain about, you will just silently follow me."