Sleeping Spells

Sarit and I overslept. It was just by sheer luck that I happened to wake up when I did.

I yawn while I glanced around the room. My eyes were puffy, and I felt more sleepy than I'd ever felt, in all my life.

"Sarit?" I gently shock her.

"Just a minute," she said as she turned her back to me.

This was unlike Sarit who wakes at the slightest noise.

I've never seen her sleep this long, either. She has never been a deep sleeper.

"Sarit!" It took all my tired strength to push her down from the bed.

"I'm awake!" She instantly rose from the floor, only to fall face forward on the bed.


My eyes were also puffy, and I have this urge to sleep until the entire world collapses, but I stalled such thoughts.

"What's it?" Sarit say up, blinked, looked around, and blinked once more, with her hair looking like a bird's nest.