Accidental teleportation

"That's true."

Stupid as I was, I haven't thought of teleporting out of here instead of looking for the loop in the wall. Yet, Sarit who wasn't as human as I am, and not even half as wise, was able to have such thoughts.

While the master was busy thinking of another thing.

I touch the wall and let my hand run through its smoothness of it.

"Let's go out there. Should we meet any demon, I don't think it's a problem."

"Only if the devil didn't ask them to prevent us from leaving.

Haven't you thought of that? There's a huge possibility that the devil will station them, to stop us should we try to leave."

"That's true. But even at that, no Demon can defeat us in combat. You can always turn into your axe form, and wipe them off."

"Are you relying on me, dear Master?" She mocked, with an arch of her brows.

"Why won't I?" I shrugged before I touched the wall.