Let it go

Kathryn was aware of his gaze on her as she prepare the icing sugar. She felt uncomfortable with his eyes on her so she forced a kind smile on her face when she turned to look at him. 

"Why?" He pushed closer to her.

"Huh?" Her blue eyes peered at him. 

"You look nervous," he smiled that smile that weaken her gut. 

"I don't," she lowered her head. 

"Really?" He rubbed the flour over her face. "You look cute when you are nervous," he smiled. 

"Lucas," she growled and turned to get herself a napkin to clean her face but he tugged her into his arms and wrapped her belly. Kathryn was as shocked as always whenever he makes this move on her. "Lucas," she whispered his name.

"I talked back at my wife today," he said at last. He wanted to let it out. "She always assumes that I'm cheating on her and that I have another woman apart from her so she changed the way she was with me," he uttered.