Her fear

"I'm scared of you."

Not only did her voice speak of her fear, but her eyes also did as he stared fearfully into her eyes. No, Mona, don't be scared of me. I'm no longer a monster. His eyes expressed his fear as he looked deep into her soul to see nothing, not even her love but fear and slow hatred. No, Mona, you told me you love me.

"Mona," he thought of laughing it away and then approach her by sitting next to her. "You don't need to be scared, you can't be scared of me," he took her hand into his to feel her shaking. 

She was right, he wasn't hers all along, he was still Lisa's. He searched for her eyes but she looked away. 

"Kenny," she gasped as if he was going to attack her with a dagger. 

"Mona, please!" 

"I'm scared, Kenny," he let her hand go and she didn't hesitate to take her hand away but she thought wrong of his action. He let her hand go only to pull her into his arms.