The life of a stolen soul

Kenny searched her eyes for his Mona, his Mona that wakes him up with her kisses and cuddles. The Mona that stares at him like forever before planning to wake him up. The Mona that arouses him every morning and makes him late for work. The Mona that was always so hesitant to let him go to work.

Mona wasn't his beautiful Mona anymore, she was a girl begging for love and life, a girl that was stuck with a demon, she was a girl that might soon go mad because of her weakness, a girl that might die soon. She was the girl that wanted his love for strength but just couldn't get it and now that she had ceased the love she shows and proves to him, he suddenly felt just as lonely she was.

"Mona," he went closer to see her push backwards.

"I cooked, you should come and eat," she uttered with a clear expression before walking out of the room. She was going insane and acting abnormally but there was nothing he could do about it.