[Bonus chapter]Leaving

Jake got up now. 

He had spent enough for the day, and if he stayed any longer, then he would just be tempted to buy more. 

Better leave now and miss out on whatever came next rather than stay and not buy, only lamenting later, or even worse, buy and lament on buying later, because he would not have any money left. 

As he got up, the people next to him were confused. Why would someone who was so aggressive in bidding leave before the biggest items even came out? 

But Jake knew at least one thing. The biggest item was not within his grasp. He could not afford an item like that even in the slightest. 

The place for him to move was spacious, and he could easily leave his row without disturbing any of those already seated. He found his way to the exit, where an attendant was waiting for him.