The Temple of Light

Jake dashed through the streets and eventually stopped in front of what seemed like a church. There was a cross out in the front, and a large crowd of NPCs were going in and out. 

Jake also went in, and the inside wasn't as shabby as the outside looked. Light filled the temple, and the first thing that Jake saw was a statue. 

A statue of a large, heroic looking man who had a sword in his hands, and that sword felt blinding. 

"The God of Light, holding a sword. Kinda stupid." Jake thought to himself as he looked around. There were countless priests and priestesses walking around. 

But none of them could help him right now. He had to go to the priestess in the very front for that. This woman looked divine. Wearing the clothing of a nun still couldn't suppress her glorious beauty, and her resplendent face. 

When Jake approached her, she smiled at him gently.