Shocked out of his mind

"Jake, you are joking right? How the hell did you come across this?" Peter asked, sitting on the bed now. 

"I found it." Jake said. This part was true.

"What are you doing? Why are you giving this to me? You should use it. Why give it to someone that can't use it?" He asked, shaking his head.

"Trust me dad. Taking this is useless for me. I have no use being some stupid Dino Swordsman. I have a much better Class. See, this is worth taking the precautions. If I let you out on the streets, everyone would know that I had a stone that could give you an Epic class in possession." Jake said. 

"This is way too valuable. On the market… no one would be stupid enough to sell something like this, but if they did, it would go for millions of dollars." Peter said, his hands trembling.

"That is why you need to take this right now. That is why I booked the room for the whole day. I need you to pass the quest today." Jake said.