Guild Progress

"Interesting. So you guys continued the same raid until you could finish it within thirty minutes?" Jake chuckled. 

"We could only finish under thirty minutes once. A lot of things came together for that to happen, but for now, the top five spots the raid are all of Bright Horizon." Faceless Darkness said. 

At the moment, Jake, Faceless Darkness, and Myriad Arrows were all in the top floor of the store. Everyone was seated as Jake looked at the reports that Faceless Darkness had laid bare for him. 

"And the loot, looking good. Everything is progressing quite smoothly. And we haven't faced any backlash from Aries?" Jake asked. 

"About that, it seems like everyone forgot about it. Many seem to think that the post of you putting a bounty on that man was a joke and nothing more. So there hasn't been any blowback." Faceless Darkness shook his head.