Left Wing

"Get back! Tankers! How much longer can you hold?!" Lone Wolf screamed at the top of his lungs as he clutched his sword.

"Five more minutes, guild master! Unless we get some good healing support." One of the tankers replied as he kept his gaze forward. 

"Thank god, at least, the pink mist is gone. Without the pink mist, I don't know what I would have done." Lone Wolf sighed and said.

Truly, he was about to lose his mind if the pink mist was still spreading. Without a single sound, without any notice, suddenly, thousands of monsters suddenly surrounded them, and now, they were in a full blown fight with them. 

Without the pink mist, the mages couldn't even aim their spells. The healers couldn't heal the outside frontlines, because they couldn't see where the front lines even were.