Dark Flash

The cries of war filled the battlefield. But that was the last of Jake's problems. He was not the least concerned about the falling soldiers. 

He looked at then, acknowledged their fall, and looked the other way almost immediately. Every single player that fell was not one that he cared about.

They were all tier one players. He knew it. Tier Two players would not fall to an enemy like this. The enemy was powerful, but not powerful enough to pose such a threat to tier two players. This was the reason he even waited for so long. 

His arm was tired, swinging for so long, but he still persevered. He knew that as long as he kept things going for just a little more, he would get a little support from somewhere. 

Jake glanced up at his HP bar, which was slowly dwindling down to the yellow zones. 

"HEALERS!" He shouted with a hoarse voice as he didn't even deem it proper to turn his head. He just shouted at them, and continued walking forward.