A plan in motion - I

"I don't get it, honestly." Lucy tutted. " out of most of the things you pick up on, this seems to be the one that is most… you know, understandable?"

Leah hummed as she continued listening to what Lucy had to say. She had told her what to word what Elijah had said at lunch right after they had finished it.

"Leah, the business world if you want to rise to the top, there are things you have to ignore and become brutal for. You want to achieve more profit, you have force others in a position where they are still forced to buy it even after you raise the price. Yes, that makes you a bastard in a general sense but that is what mostly all businessmen are."

"If that was not the case, then everything would still be affordable, and it would be a happy world with no poor and rich. But that doesn't happen. So your brother is calling your father. A bastard makes me think like it's a general sense where his rivals call him or maybe even his employees."