A plan in motion – II

"Yes, I think I might come to Scotland with you for a few days." She smiled, " it's going to be awesome. Just give me and Scotland. I cannot wait—"

"No, hold on." Emily intervened, so much unlike her, which gathered the attention of her children. "You absolutely cannot go!"

"Why not? I don't understand why you would not approve of that. You told me that you would like for me to visit one of my brothers. That is exactly what I'm doing."

"Yes, but," Emily paused, "you just cannot go like that."

"Mom," She chuckled nervously, "I'm not leaving right away, like just in the next second. I'm going to go with when Elijah does and I'm going to talk to you and dad about it. I'm going to invite you to come along and maybe even ask Lucy. Why are you being like this like I have never-like this is bad?"

"I-its not." Emily whispered. "That is not what I meant."