Not Again


Time Quickly passed...

Finally, it's the day of the Bernadetta Groups' anniversary….

Her school principal asked her to play the piano for the Bernadetta Groups Anniversary as the Bernadettas were the major shareholder of the school.

And for the dress, she spent huge chunks emptying her pockets which broke her heart.

Well, she would be paid for playing the Piano but she just didn't like coming here and playing the piano for a bunch of strangers.

She heard the emcee saying that the ceremony will start officially in five minutes. She was waiting to see these legendary Bernadetta's who were involved in her life and her friend's lives.

"Luc, help!" Just then she heard Joe's vulnerable voice.

She immediately ran towards Joe where he was standing like a speechless person.

"What's wrong?" Luciana asked.

"White wine," Joe said.

"Say it clearly," she replied.

"White wine was knocked down," he replied.

"All the stock was wasted," he added.

"It's okay. I have some connections. Let me get them for you. How long do we have, before we serve it?" Evelynn came to the rescue.

"Nearly one and half hours," he said.

"But the opening ceremony will start in five minutes," Luciana said.

"Yeah, for opening we open with Champagne. I got it replaced. We need one and half hours to solve this," Evelynn said.

"Fine talk to them. And be careful," Luciana said.

After five minutes Evelynn came with a sad face.

"What's wrong?" Luciana asked.

"He was asking double the price," Evelynn said.

"Put him on call, I will talk," Luciana said. Evelynn dialled his number and handed it to Luciana.

"Hello," she greeted and the other side greeted back.

"Sir, I know you want to make maximum use of this situation but sir, if you help us, we will make you our partner for our bar. And if we have to organize parties like this we would take you as our first companion. Also sir we are talking about Bernadette groups. It will promote you better. Please be considerate. We can elongate our deal if you help us. Or else we can only choose another partner in your place," Luciana said.

And she continued the conversation for some more time with the temptation of having the Bernadette group as their partner. And made him feel like he was missing out on a big opportunity. Which made the other side say nothing but obey her words.

After she was done, she felt relieved. And the wine came in an hour. Finally, she and her friends were happy and relieved.

But little did she not know… all her actions and the way she dealt with the problem were watched by the eyes of the devil.

After the problem was done, she walked inside the venue only to see the opening speech was done. And in the next ten minutes, it's her turn to go ahead and perform.

She wasn't nervous about her performance, but she was nervous about facing the crowd.

She decided to take a single drink before entering the stage. And that's the only mistake she made. The moment she turned around she bumped into someone's chest. When her butt was about to kiss the ground, a pair of strong hands held her thin waist making her suck in harsh breaths that made her shiver under him.

His hot breath which was fanning her made her feel hot all over. His closeness made her feel suffocated. When she finally recovered she opened her eyes only to see him.

'Not again, dear god!' she yelled in her mind.