

After returning home...

"Luc and Joe, See I am going to take up the offer from the Bernadette Entertainments," Evelynn said the moment Joe and Luciana entered the house engulfing them in a bear hug.

"Congratulations. But now let me get some oxygen," Luciana said as she tried to put on a distance from her.

Joe picked Luciana up from the school after the interview. She was feeling all sweaty and tired. And Evelynn hugging her made her even more uncomfortable and sticky.

"When are you going to submit the contract?" Joe asked.

"I want to show you first before I sign," Evelynn said.

Luciana and Joe read the contract. Even Joe doesn't know much about the contract terms and conditions. So he let Luciana explain them. They knew Luciana came from a different country and had a business degree. They felt she knew better than them about these contracts and stuff.

"Talk with the one who gave this contract to you. Since you want your normal life outside the company, tell them clearly. As for others I see nothing wrong," Luciana said. Evelynn nodded.

"So... I thought of something too," Joe said after Luciana explained the contract.

"Bernadette groups are holding an annual banquet in two months. I want to join the competition for Beverage Supply," Joe said.

Luciana was silent for a few seconds. Even Evelynn was silent hearing his words and slowly processing them.

Bernadette groups weren't something that anybody could face. They have had only one supplier all these years but due to some quality changes, they were looking for a new supplier. Winning this could be a life-changer for Joe. But Winning wasn't that easy.

"You sure?" Luciana asked.

Joe nodded.

"Fine, I will help you in drawing the contract," Luciana said.

They spent nearly nine hours drawing the contract before they were done.


Luciana joined the school and had fun and happiness while teaching the children. Joe won the contract despite all the odds. She even accompanied him during the submission day. When she saw the number of competitors... She was quite sure he might not be able to win the contract. But God had other plans, Joe won.

In fact, Luciana didn't know it was... Ella Bernadette noticed Luciana and her friend in the bid. Even though she wanted to be biased toward Joe, Ella was really surprised by the terms and conditions. And the beverages supply. Everything was mentioned precisely. And that became the only reason Joe got the contract.

Evelynn signed the contract after having a talk with the manager about the terms that Luciana asked her to mention. The manager didn't agree to it at the start but he made a few adjustments that satisfies Evelynn and the company together.

Everything was going smoothly as if sad days were gone and happy days were coming. The thing that felt weird to Luciana was... one way or another she and her two other friends were entangled with Bernadette Groups. She brushed it off thinking it was an utter coincidence. But was it?


One Month Later

Callum and Oscar finished their punishment and returned home. They resumed their duties in the company again while Ella continued to monitor the preparations of the Annual Banquet.

Luciana met Little Charlie in school. He was a little introverted but as days went on he started talking with her. And he who hasn't had a single friend even made two little friends of his age. He was improving in terms of socializing.

His relationship with Luciana was improving too. He was talking and was happy more than usual.

Oscar and Ella were surprised at Charlie's development. Ella was happy and worried about this improvement. So she decided to take him to his regular doctor for a checkup.

"So, is he fine?" Ella asked Charlie's doctor.

"He is. No need to worry. From your words, that lady is making him feel comfortable with her and around other people. He is willing to be comfortable and wants to talk to other people. He is getting better and better. But then, I don't know if this is a permanent change or a temporary one. But there is a change, which is a good thing," the doctor said with an assuring smile.

"So what shall we do now?" Ella asked.

"You should observe how he will behave around that lady and others too. Based on the result we will deduce the next action," he said.

"I hope he will get out of this trauma soon. And hope that lady would help us," Ella said.

"I hope for the same," the doctor replied.

They left the hospital after some small informal conversation.
